Success is not synonymous with money

    Mas well as personal fulfilment. We confuse the two, because personal fulfillment is often rewarded with financial prosperity.

    The two biggest obstacles in our way that prevent us from fully dedicating ourselves to our favorite work are financial condition and the influence of family and friends.

    The work for which we feel the most love is not always the most profitable. Often, it seems that we have no choice: need speaks louder. Often, the work we are most inclined to do, at the beginning, does not seem to bring significant remuneration.

    Thus, between choosing the immediate financial reward - directing our effort towards purely commercial accomplishments - or the remuneration that will come years later - after the accumulation of knowledge that enables us to work in the area of ​​our talent -, we prefer the immediate reward, giving up our passion.

    Success is not synonymous with money

    In addition, those who choose the work they love will not always have the support of their friends and family in their field of support. When choosing work that we are passionate about, we are often forced to invest extraordinary effort and energy in search and development to collect, organize, classify and test the knowledge necessary to develop our potential and this, in the short term, can seem disadvantageous.

    However, despite this apparent disadvantage, the person who engages in the work he loves is usually rewarded with two kinds of critical benefits:

    First, discovers, in this type of work, the greatest reward of all: the happiness.

    Second, your financial reward, although it will often take longer to arrive, in the end it will be much longer. Because? Because work done with love is usually greater in quantity and quality than work done solely for money.

    Therefore, if we really want to accumulate money, enjoy peace of mind and find happiness, we must sacrifice immediate financial remuneration in order to accumulate knowledge, acquire technique and develop practice, and only then obtain the reward. This has been the experience of any industrialist, scientist, inventor or philosopher from the time of Socrates to the present day.

    No work done with love can be considered a waste of time and energy. Those who do more than what is expected of them will sooner or later be rewarded, and far beyond their wildest dreams. Remember: your safety is not in the position you occupy or in the people you interact with, it is in your ability to meet needs and solve problems.

    Success! Cheers! Prosperity! Let's go!

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