Strong women

Today I'm going to tell a story of a girl who passed through my office and through my life, who didn't know what she was, or what she would be used for in life.

From a young age, she sought out girls who seemed stronger and more determined to make her idol.

She grew up, became a woman, and still hadn't seen herself, didn't believe in herself, didn't appreciate herself. The more she gave, the more she felt rejected.

Yes, she started to idolize women, because she considered them better, smarter and because they had a family. It is more comfortable to name them as idols to ensure their “happiness”. 

By staying behind those women, life seemed to get easier, it was escape, convenience, it was the opportunity to “feel something”, “someone”.

It was the opportunity to belong to a group, to a person, to an illusion.

When idolizing, he showed a false, insecure, submissive, servile aspect.

Strong women

Idolatry imprisoned her, as it generated a great need to live for the other, to meet the needs of the other, to be the other.

I lived in the urge to be recognized, approved, loved. As if what she gave, without realizing it, wasn't real, as she still didn't know that everything she did to others was to be loved, not out of love. 

But, like a breath, after many years, she began to seek knowledge through therapy, which made her create her own identity. She began to realize, day after day, that those women, whose innocent gaze saw them as “so Goddesses”, today, no longer fit.

They were just ordinary women, with qualities and flaws, with fears and insecurities, with courage and strength, all like that, as she could see, now, in herself.

She became a great woman, with values ​​recognized by her. She belonged now, belonged to him, and it all made sense.

Those women that I idolized are not even part of life now, it doesn't fit anymore either. 

Strong women

However, in this woman's life, this happened in a mild way, without great damage, as it did not reach a degree of obsession. There was no harm done to the other as it was harmless. The suffering was all generated just for her, as attachment and idealization generated suffering. 

I brought this matter today, by the Woman's Day, so that it is perceived and not placed below anything or anyone. Like my patient, go after self-worth, self-love, self-knowledge to free yourself from this condition, and from any other that imprisons her, diminishes her, hurts her integrity as a woman.

You are this strong woman, it is innate!

You may also like another article by this author. Access: I slept and woke up "old woman"

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