Stress out! 15 tips to feel lighter

Stress is the evil of the century. More and more, people have become ill from diseases of emotional origin. Anxiety, nervousness, anguish, are several factors that cause stress. Especially when our emotional side is shaken, it becomes more difficult to manage all these sensations and their accumulation causes us physical harm.

Society seems to be getting more and more stressed. Research indicates that EspaΓ±a is among the most affected countries, relating stress to some factors, such as: lack of free time to spend with family and friends, for leisure, the relationship we have with work, the accumulation of activities , the difficulties facing the growth of large cities, etc.

We agree that there is no such thing as a stress-free life, but there are several ways to deal with it better, to have a more zen life:

Eliminate the causes

It is important to understand the main things that make you stressed and, once identified, eliminate them when possible, or at least alleviate them. Try to keep your head calm, balance your thoughts and focus good energies.

take care of your body

A healthy diet and daily practice of physical exercises influence the proper functioning of the body, contributing to lightness and well-being at different points in your life.


Stress out! 15 tips to feel lighter

Put out everything that bothers you in some way, even the things you think are small and unimportant. Do not accumulate hurts and negative feelings, as this makes you charged and you can explode at any time. Avoid this.


When you are irritated or nervous about something, stop, think, breathe. Count to ten – a thousand if you have to – but don't act hot-headed. Always try to calm down before getting into any unnecessary conflict.

Sleep well

Take advantage of the hours of sleep to rest. When you lay your head on the pillow, turn off your thoughts. Leave your mind empty and allow your body to relax completely, use the hours of sleep to recharge all energies.  


We often give more importance to things than they really deserve. It takes patience and a lot of wisdom to manage conflicts that may arise. Look for the best ways to solve your problems, without complicating things more than they already are.

create bonds

Build good times with people you care about. Despite all the work and bureaucracy necessary for life, it is our affective bonds that move us. It takes work, but it takes pleasure.


Take some time out of your day to do meditation, with breathing techniques and physical work positions. They help you find balance between your body and mind, controlling your emotions and ways of dealing with the universe that surrounds you.

To cook

Stress out! 15 tips to feel lighter

Like many household tasks, cooking collaborates to de-stress body and mind, as it is an activity that requires us to be focused, disconnecting from everything that doesn't matter at that moment. It takes dedication, involvement and affection, so it's hard to keep yourself stressed when you're cooking.

Listen to music

Music helps to calm thoughts, allowing moments of reflection and observation about situations and conflicts. A good alternative is also dancing. When we are on the move, our body releases endorphins, which contribute to the feeling of joy and well-being.

be alone

Often, we need moments alone to meet ourselves, understand our emotions, feelings and reflect on our actions. As good as it is to talk to others, when we are alone we can think better.


Take care of the environments you live in. For example, seek harmony in your work and home, cheerful colors and comfortable furniture collaborate for your well-being.

take off

Both good and bad times must be lived and overcome in their own time, learn to learn from everything. Don't get attached to unnecessary things that stop you from growing.

Give thanks

Appreciate the things you have already achieved. We spend a lot of time in our lives complaining about things and often aiming for the impossible, when in fact we should be very grateful for everything we've already achieved. Make it a habit to always give thanks for your graces and you will find peace and lightness of mind.

Get organized

Be prepared for all the activities you need to do, think about your schedule so that you can dedicate yourself to everything without getting cluttered or under pressure. In addition to obligations, set aside time in your day to relax, eat, and think.

  • Written by Carolina Peixoto from Team Eu Sem Fronteiras.
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