Story: The Three Workers

Story: The Three Workers

A few weeks ago, I visited my mother and came across, on her bookshelf, one in particular that marked my entire childhood. This is a 1970's book that belonged to my late father:

I remember reading over and over each of his short stories… it was the pre-internet era, so there was no Google or Wikipedia… just a book as an outlet for the imagination. I would like to leave the full text here for you. He is very special to me, as he made me reflect on the true value of work, long before I really felt what it was like to work:

The Three Workers

“Three workers were preparing stones for the construction of a great temple.

I approached the first one and asked him, looking at him sympathetically:

– What are you doing, my friend?

- I prepare stones! – She replied dryly.

I headed for the second, and interrogated in the same way.

- I work for my salary! – was the answer.

I then turned to the third and asked him the same question:

– What are you doing, my friend?

The worker, looking at me full of joy, replied with enthusiasm:

– Can't you see? I'm building a cathedral!

Look, my friends, at the very different way in which each worker performed his duty. The first relieved himself of a material and crude task that he considered: the second only saw the money to be received for his work. The third, however, aimed at an ideal.

We will be slaves if, like the first worker, we limit our lives to the daily struggle.

Among the ambitious we will include ourselves, if we only contemplate the immediate profit of our efforts.

Happy, however, will be those who live, fight and suffer for a great and noble ideal.”

A simple text, provided with a profound message to all of us. Is that you: Have you defined your ideal? Don't want to start right now?

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