Step away from the negative and feel lighter

    Sometimes it's hard to admit, even to ourselves, that some things in our lives don't happen because other people wanted them to. We always thought it wasn't meant to be, that we didn't do enough to make it, that we were unlucky, or so many other reasons. But it's hard to accept that someone might have wished you didn't achieve a certain goal, especially when it's someone you like and (you think) you can trust.

    And what does other people's desire have to do with your achievements and failures? Simple. Each of us emanates energies, both positive and negative.. So even if someone tells you to "go ahead!", maybe, inside, she's hoping you stumble along the way. It is very difficult to know who we can really trust, who will really cheer for our success and be happy with our victories.

    There are even people who even without realizing it emanate bad energies. Someone who wants the best for you, but is jealous of your achievements, for example, directs negative energies towards you, even if it's without realizing it.

    Therefore, it is very important to be discerning about what you are going to say to other people, to trust your intuition and, at a certain point, to lose some of your innocence. Ie, make no mistake, not everyone wants the best for you, even if you are a good person.

    Step away from the negative and feel lighter

    You have to have a certain level of distrust. It is also necessary to choose the right moment to tell facts about your life. Choose a few people, the ones you trust the most, and seek true support during the stages of your life. For the rest of the people you live with, count your achievements only when they are already right.

    Remember that trusting everyone is a misguided attitude. Even the most beautiful cherry tree has rotten fruits that are so well hidden among the beautiful cherries that we sometimes confuse them. So don't believe everyone. Know how to distrust in the right measure.

    Don't be afraid to disappoint other people because you're telling little news, or because they think you're "hiding" information precisely because of a lack of trust. You don't have to please everyone and those who really care about you will be by your side, knowing all the details or not.

    Your life is your most precious asset. It is necessary to choose carefully who will be part of it. Learn (and this can take some time) to differentiate between friends, peers, and best friends. Tell about your life only to your best friends.

    By carefully choosing who will be by your side and who will share with you the good and bad times, you will be eliminating people who don't really like you or who, simply and without realizing it, emanate bad energies for you. By doing this, believe me, your life will be lighter.

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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