Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 2


I needed some sort of starter for this book, whose title and essence had long been tucked away in a quiet corner of my mind. In one of those unpretentious browsing through Facebook and its myriad of images and messages that just pass before the eyes and are soon put aside, I came across the message that heads this page. I liked it a lot and kept it. And I decided to use it more to close the text than to draw attention in the opening. Then I changed my mind and, well, it's heading the text and I confess that I'm still in doubt about the best place to insert it. We will get there…

The book progressed and decided to get out of my head for the lines of this text and put itself at the service of readers who may, eventually, be hesitating between starting, restarting or continuing to restart. Well… I think it's better to record what I've been avoiding since the letter “p” that begins the first word of this chapter: many people don't get out of the first and last attempt to start over just because:

Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 2
  • He believes that starting over is a one-shot weapon: fired, he missed... and there's no chance of another! Great nonsense, the philosophy of ordinary pubs…
  • The story you are going to write starts badly: you don't even know what its ending will be. Even greater nonsense, because no one gets where they don't want to...
  • It acts in a given new beginning in a bureaucratic way, similar to everything that is done… To be done. The most senseless nonsense, because doing it for the sake of doing it is the same thing as surrendering life and its possibilities to the repetition of mistakes and removing any nuance of flavor from it.
  • It carries unnecessary feelings of guilt, sequels of the fruitless fresh start. And this is great and ultimate nonsense!
Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 2

For a REAL restart, it is suggested that the person stop punishing himself and prevent him from being happy, as is evident in the terrible and expendable phrases:

“It's…it's complicated!”

"It wasn't meant to be, so..."

“What to do right?…”

The first is the excuse of those who don't even understand why popcorn jumps in hot oil, in addition to being a cliché of those who use their brain only to decorate useless things. Every time I hear a person say “It's…it's complicated!” makes me want to say how complicated is the waste of genetic material…

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The second is the justification that soothes any bad feelings left over from one or another attempt without strength, without vigor and which, of course, resulted in nothing more than nothing or more hopelessness combined with nourished feelings of failure…

The third sentence sucks! There is no more silly and dull surrender than its real meaning. My friend Batatinha, also known as Luis Carlos de Almeida Chaves, the late Batatinha, used to say to the guy who expressed this regret: “Have you tried jumping from the free span of the Rio/Niterói Bridge?” Always jocular, in the face of his unsurpassed sense of humor combined with a biting intelligence, my friend left the interlocutor with a dumb face and went on, muttering: "What a nasty face!"

Starting over… A good start to a new life – Chapter 2

For a REAL start over, the phrases are best suited:

“Now go, even if the cow coughs or the owl sneezes!”

“So far it was training, from now on it's for real!”

And the best of them: “No more 'once upon a time' and let's go 'this time!'”

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