Starseed – Soulmates: Just male and female? How to identify?


    “Twin Flames: Just Male and Female? How to identify?”


    This lecture that follows is especially for those (that is, most of us) who suffer from loneliness. It is up to those who, even surrounded by people who love and are loved by them, suffer from an evil that we will call “incompleteness of being”. To those who feel a lack, a feeling of lack, an empty hole in the heart. These people deduce that it is lack of Love; not “any love”, but that special one, the only one that would fill that gap, the so-called “soul mate”.

    Soulmate love is the dream, it is the desire, it is the will of any human being, especially if this is a Lightworker aware of what it represents for their own happiness and beyond. Love of soulmates is something that is in the realm of the sacred. So we understand why so many seek this higher love so much. It seems that, intuitively, souls know the strength he has. They realize that experiencing this love is nothing more, nothing less than bringing to the condition of materiality (3rd dimension) the original loving union based on the principle of We Are One.

    Starseed – Soulmates: Just male and female? How to identify?

    It is as if the reunion with your soulmate is the very reconnection with the Primary Source, which, in terms, it is. Intuitively, they also know the benefits that the energetic movement of this union (which can be sexual or not) anchor in the galaxy, how the energies created are of great help to the Greater Plan and that this Love is on the path that takes humanity back to House.

    Gabriel RL, in the lecture that follows, will delve into this subject and answer by clarifying other important questions:

    1. What is the effect of a meeting between soulmates on the physical plane?
    2. Can soulmates only be formed by a man and a woman?
    3. Can it happen that we don't find our soul mate on the physical plane?
    4. How to identify our soul mate?
    5. Is it possible for a Being not to have a soulmate?

    Many misconceptions will be undone in this brilliant lecture, whose approach is incisive, but mature and responsible. Really indispensable information for all people, especially for the daring “soul mates”.

    Enjoy… And good lecture!

    Gratitude, Gabriel RL, for the LIGHT of your words!

    Solange Yabushita.

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