Starseed - Overcoming Fear

    Starseed - Overcoming Fear

    β€œβ€¦the lack of security and confidence in ourselves through ethical, moral and spiritual behavior.” (27.04.2015)

    If you are a light worker, take care to be consistent with what you teach and work.

    O Ethical/Moral/Spiritual Behavior generates the driving energy that will take us out of fear, feelings of powerlessness, insecurity and any feeling that is not love and peace. Such light behavior puts us in a vortex of positive energy spinning at quantum speed and anything other than love and light is prevented from entering it.

    Behaviors contrary to Ethics/Morals/Spiritual puts us in a contrary vortex of negative energy, which spins at a slow and dense speed, which increasingly attracts situations of fear, insecurity, impotence and all poorly qualified energy.

    Which vortex you want to be in will always be your choice. Nobody interferes with this, not even the Creator.

    Here I leave the link of my other lecture I mentioned:


    You may also like another article by the author. Access: Star Seeds – Discernment and Rationale

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