Sri Amma Bhagavan

Sri Amma Bhagavan

Born March 07, 1949, Sri Bhagavan, also known as Kalki Bhagavan, is a spiritual guru and founder of Onenesses University, a school located in southern India.


Her mother dedicated herself to performing prayers, austerities and religious studies since she was pregnant, turning to Krishna teachings, meditating deeply and reaching great spiritual peaks.

From an early age, Sri Bhagavan had an aura filled with love and tranquility, as reported by people who approached the child. At the age of three, Sri Bhagavan already had an awareness and feeling of connection to the world around him.

As time went by, the child had a strong feeling of providing good things for people. At age 27, in 1968, he devoted himself to Krishna teachings. She points out that she got the same Krishna consciousness to cherish people: unity, peace among all.


He studied numerous teachings such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. He understood that practicing some teaching just for the sake of practice does not bring any living being to enlightenment. The ideal is to seek to feel in one's own life absolute happiness based on the Divine.

Through studies and reflections, Sri Bhagavan concluded that the cause of human sufferings is not only material pursuits, but also the very self-destruction that people cause in themselves by not being able to achieve their goals - especially non-material goals, those where people want to change something about their personality or transform the lives of loved ones for the better.


The secret to this change is the connection with yourself and your Divine Self, freeing yourself from beliefs considered retrograde that place restrictions on people's lives.

Sri Bhagavan took up his "sankalpa" ("deep intention" in Sanskrit) to find a way to help all people achieve absolute happiness, regardless of color, race, condition, etc. and deconstruct the concept that the reach of the Divine is something restricted only to mystics and the like.

Sri Amma

Sri Amma was born on August 15, 1954 in Vila Sangam, Nellore District, in the state of Andhra Pradesh. From a young age, she had a uniqueness perceived by her parents: Sri Amma was a child strongly connected with the people around her, being able to even feel people's joy and suffering, even when she was very young. She has above average empathy.

As time went on, Sri Amma was constantly found with friends and family, talking and listening to her problems. People felt great confidence in the girl. She, out of her love for the people who were dear to her, gave them advice and sayings, encouraging them.

Sri Amma was known for her purity and her kindness to the people of the village and also practiced meditations and spiritual austerities. She also used to appear in the dreams of people who shared their problems with her, and soon after, her problems were resolved. She came to be known as the incarnation of the β€œDivine Mother”.

Sri Baghavan's physical encounter with Sri Amma took place long after she reported in childhood that she would meet a Divine person and marry "God".

As if anticipating what had happened, Sri Amma and Sri Baghavan were married on June 09, 1976.

Fruit of love, complicity and sharing the mission, in 1977 their first child, Krishna, was born. Growing up, he inherited his parents' mission to spread divine teachings to people.

The couple founded spiritual schools, such as Jeevashram, in 1984, whose mission is to educate students to spread love for others through studies and holistic actions.

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Sri Amma and Sri Baghavan concluded that the blessings received come through the lives of students and devotees and, going further, to all humanity, not restricting human beings as the recipients of all divine blessings.

Among the teachings of the school - and later Jeevashram University -, the best known talks about the "Unity within Diversity", in which all beings are carriers of infinite goodness and conditions to achieve happiness.

You can learn more by accessing the address to access the teachings of Sri Amma Bhagavan and Sri Ramana Maharshi.

β€œOne of the greatest gifts you can give anyone is the gift of attention and love.” β€” Sri Bhagavan

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