Spirituality WITHOUT Religion

    Spirituality WITHOUT Religion

    There is nothing wrong with seeking Spirituality in a religion, whatever it may be, but what you may not know is that to take care of your Spiritual Life it is not necessary to have a religion. This is everyone's choice. You are free to choose how you want to develop your Spirituality… with or without religion.

    The truth is that both Spirituality and Religion have the same goal: to connect the Human to the Divine. But in practice they are very different. And, every day, more people are looking for ways to make a Direct Connection with the Divine, without the need to participate in rituals or having to go to a sacred place specially dedicated to that goal.

    Spirituality needs to be practiced in the Daily Routine, because your Spiritual Life needs care in the same way that you take care of your Personal Life and Professional Life every day.

    Fortunately, many people are waking up to this reality.. Awakening brings that feeling that I mentioned at the beginning of this text... "it seems that something is missing and the person does not know what it is"... This happens because taking care of Spiritual Life is much more than just attending a religious temple once or twice a day. week. And most people these days can't even do that.

    Today I know the difference between Spirituality and Religion, but I already made the mistake of believing that it was all the same and I spent many years of my life until I learned that Spirituality WITHOUT Religion is a path of Direct Connection with the Divine, without human interference, without guilt, without sins and without the burden of obligation. With that I discovered that there is a new way of living, which allows anyone to take Spirituality into the Daily Routine WITHOUT interfering with their schedule commitments, and I wrote a guide that teaches step by step how to implement this system in a practical and simple way, which I called it the ERD System.

    Or else you can keep procrastinating and leave it for later. This is your choice! Attending a religion once or twice a week, even if that's your choice, may not be enough for a full and happy life. On the other hand, taking Spirituality into the Daily Routine, with or without religion, will strengthen your Essence and create a safe space within you for Spiritual Growth and will develop in your life a self-healing process that feeds back.


    The day has 24 hours for everyone. More than 80% of people waste their 24 hours a day running around and leaving their real life behind, a life they can see moving away in the rearview mirror of their Journey on Earth. They believe that taking care of the Spiritual Life is very difficult and they leave it for later, but that later may never come.

    That's why it's important to remember that every day you leave behind without taking care of Your Spiritual Life is a lost opportunity, and those 24 hours can never be regained. Taking care of the Spiritual Life is not complicated or difficult, it is enough to take Spirituality into the Daily Routine.

    This is an urgent need that needs to be met if you want to live life to its fullest and be healthier on every level…physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, health in your relationships, and even financial health.

    Click on the link at the end of this article and get to know the ERD System Guide that teaches, step by step, how to take Spirituality into the Daily Routine in a simple and practical way. Or else you can keep procrastinating and leave it for later. This is your choice!


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