Spirituality and meaning of life

    The search for a meaning, a reason to live, has always been a matter for the vast majority of human beings. “What is my mission?”, “What did I come here to do” and “What is the point of all this?” are some of the common questions that permeate our minds.

    “What surprises me most about humanity is the “men”, because they lose their health to save money. Then they lose money to regain their health. And because they anxiously think about the future, they forget about the present in such a way that they end up not living either the present or the future. And they live as if they would never die... And they die as if they had never lived”. (Dalai Lama).

    The unbridled pursuit of success, material growth of various corporations and the incessant search for personal fulfillment is increasingly worn out and brings people's spiritual issues to the fore. Many forget the importance of obtaining the well-known “inner peace”, since material issues do not meet this greater need for a peaceful life.

    However, materiality is losing its force. An example is the television news of great gurus, successful examples from the corporate/financial/business world who, after achieving great material achievements, simply abandon these benefits, to live a peaceful life in mountains or valleys, meditating with other people who seek that same spirituality.

    Spirituality and meaning of life

    What is actually happening is that, again, in history, these material and spiritual factors are changing. In light of the financial meltdown we are witnessing, people are looking for a broader meaning in their lives, and spirituality is in the spotlight, playing an important role in society.

    More and more people are seeking to understand religions, meeting in groups, meditating, praying so that they can have a life of greater meaning, not only for themselves, but also for the environment in which they live. A new era is approaching, in which to fight all these "crises", people are uniting for a greater purpose that, often, even escapes their understanding, for now.

    Another factor is that spirituality itself is not something exclusive to religions, but also a connection between body and mind that people seek, becoming better human beings, regardless of religion, but rather an internal reform in their lives. life.

    “People need connectors, writers, heroes, stars, leaders to make sense of life. A child's sandbox facing the sun. Plastic soldiers in miniature dirty war. strongholds. Garage warships. Rituals, theatre, dances to reaffirm tribal needs & memories, a call to worship, uniting above all a previous state, a family wish and the right magic of childhood.” – Jim Morrison

    This famous phrase by famous composer Jim Morrison portrays society's quest to seek a spiritual connection with its physical body. Far beyond momentary satisfactions and ephemeral pleasures, the search for solid and absolute happiness is what is on the rise.

    “All people want to leave some traces for posterity, leave some mark. It's the old story of the book, the son and the tree, the trio that supposedly immortalizes us. However, children disappear in the world, trees are cut down, books go moldy in second-hand bookstores. The only thing that immortalizes us – really – is the memory of those who loved us”. (Excerpt from Martha Medeiros' chronicle in O Sentido da Vida in the book Passion Chronic).

    A new era is emerging, with new ideas and proposals. Our society and this search for a broader and, at the same time, unique meaning for their lives, will reflect on positive impacts of changes for a country and even a better world. It only remains for us to get on that boat and expand our life in positive impacts and great change.

    “Be that as it may, the great Human Revolution of a single person will one day bring about the total change in the destiny of a country and, moreover, will be able to transform the destiny of all humanity!” – Daisaku Ikeda.

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