

    We need to understand the moment we are going through. Consequently, we are going through difficult trials.

    Currently, many people disincarnated with the pandemic, and this disincarnation was programmed even before people incarnated on Earth.

    We live in the transition period from Trials and Atonement to that of Regeneration.

    Most people don't believe it, others don't understand, that's why they continue to value matter more than spirituality.

    Fortunately, there are a number of people who accompany this transition to the New Age, and they know the importance of spiritualizing themselves.

    The period to exercise fraternity, love and forgiveness.

    Those who insist on feeding the old man lose the opportunity to return to planet Earth in the next incarnation, hence the fact that the planet undergoes a great cleansing, that is, the process of separating the wheat from the chaff.

    In many places, and for various reasons, many collective disincarnations are taking place.

    Many people can feel this change, so, to help, they started to practice meditation and live more in contact with nature to get to know themselves.

    They learn that happiness is a state of mind and that the peace they long for can be found within.

    Many are intimately connected with animals, thus sharpening the feeling of an uncompromising, more fraternal universal love and to become new people, in which the virtues and beneficial qualities predominate, and, consequently, killing the old person, in which predominated. vices and selfishness.

    Love, in its true essence, helps man to deal with the pain of the soul and the physical.

    Illnesses such as headaches, backaches and stomach aches are reflections of man's emotional and moral lack of control.

    Those who feel out of place and sensitive to the point of suffering from anxiety, stress or depression are lost, as if they wish they were somewhere else. They start to have insomnia and other types of discomfort, however, despite all this, something very good is yet to come.

    These sensitive people are linked to planetary change.

    All were invited to intimate reform and those who accepted this invitation and, according to their personal merit of spiritual evolution, even without realizing it, are being prepared by the brothers of light to be part of a new dimension.

    There are two categories of people:

    Those who won't be able to practice the law of love and forgiveness that the moment requires, because they are stuck to their personal desires, so they can't connect to what is important and necessary in this phase we are going through.

    And those who will succeed because they have already visualized that the collective interest overlaps with the interest to participate.

    There are several worlds from the primitive world to the celestial world.

    Those who seek to practice brotherly love and forgiveness will participate in the New Age, which brings vibrational changes to the planet.

    Brothers who do not practice love and forgiveness for themselves and others and postpone their intimate reform will not return to planet Earth, but they will not be helpless because of Divine Mercy, so they will be invited to seek the light and love of the Divine Master .

    In the face of collective tragedies and disincarnations, the spirits of light vibrate love and peace to all brothers.

    It is up to each one of us, on Earth, to take advantage of the opportunity of carnal life, vibrating love in our heart and doing everything to seek the light, and for that we must undress ourselves.

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    When we act in the field of good, we attract like-minded people, that is, people with the same vibrational pattern.

    Those who are against the good and think, speak and do negative things, turn away from everything that is contrary to the love that God has taught us.

    We must vibrate for the arrival of the New Age, and also be grateful that we are here, in this moment, enjoying the moral improvement.

    Remember: God is the first to forgive and takes time to judge! So let's follow his example.

    He always shows the way of good, respects our free will and never punishes us, but those who follow His teachings deserve to live in a better world.

    Believe it!

    Fraternal hugs,

    Cidinha Cassiano &

    Cida Simoni Germano

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