Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn From Star Wars

The film Star Wars It's a worldwide success, there's no denying it. It is the most popular and successful science fiction franchise of all time. Furthermore, the original trilogy is a good introductory guide to spirituality. There are spiritual lessons within the context of the film that can teach us to know ourselves better.

A curiosity: In the United Kingdom, a study was carried out in 2001 on the faith of the British. One of the most cited religions was the Jedi religion, and it was ahead of Judaism and Buddhism.

Whether this was a form of joke, no one knows. What we all know is that the franchise Star Wars it is a form of philosophy of life for many people.

The saga was based not only on George Lucas' creativity, but also on Eastern and Western mythologies and philosophies. Even The Power of Myth author Joseph Campbell quoted Star Wars in his interview with Bill Moyers.

The Jedi Code:

It is a code of conduct that establishes modes and rules of behavior for Jedi. He gives warning about the dark side of the force and instructions not to use force for personal gain, but for enlightenment and self-knowledge. The dark side of the force is basically the combination of feelings like anger, fear and aggression.

According to this philosophy, the Jedi must consider the will of the force to make decisions and be able to act without emotion and with serenity.

Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn From Star Wars

Don't ignore the spirit's call:

In the first film in the trilogy, Luke is saved by "Old Ben". Later, Luke discovers that he is the exiled Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. He begins training as a Jedi shortly after the death of his family. With various events in Luke's life, he accepts his fate. There are several calls in your life that are hard to ignore. So he learns to accept them.

Using the Bible as a synonym for this story, prophets are often recruited because of the "call of the Spirit of the Lord." Jonah, after running away from God and spending time in the belly of a fish, accepts to do the Lord's will and accept his call to be a prophet.

In Buddhism, disciples of Buddha also become devotees to the teachings and practice dharma.

Mental powers:

Jedi have the ability to learn various mental abilities and study the Force. Lessons range from learning to read thoughts to locating beings on other planets. Some capabilities are:

  • Telekinesis: allows the Jedi to manipulate objects around them.
  • Astral projection: some Jedi are able to project their soul and interact with other beings.
  • Meditation: through this resource the Jedi are able to connect deeply with the Force.
  • Telepathy: Jedi can communicate with and influence other minds.

strengthen your faith

Spiritual Lessons We Can Learn From Star Wars

There is a scene that takes place in the swamps of Dagobah where Luke is unable to retrieve his X-Wing fighter. After several attempts, Yoda sighs and manages to free the spaceship just by lifting his finger. Luke is in disbelief and says "I don't believe this". Yoda replies, "That's why you can't."

This passage is an example that you need to believe in change consolidated through your will. Nothing changes without you allowing and having the desire to change. It is necessary to believe that things can be better.

Some teachings:

“Do it or don't do it. There is no trying.” Master Yoda.

“Attachment is forbidden, possession is forbidden. But compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential in the life of a Jedi.” Anakin Skywalker

“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those who have united with the Force. Do not mourn for them. Don't miss them. Attachment leads to envy. In the shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” master yoda

• Text written by Natalia Iannone from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

References: Collective Awakening and Always Question

Images: Google Search

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