Spirit/soul is what loves

It is normal to see couples who get married or move in together from one moment to the next. These couples can be of the same sex or not, as long as there is affinity between them. We also see those who spend many years in a period called courtship and end up not even staying together, as they conclude that the affinity has worn out.

On the other hand, there are those who are incessantly looking for a partnership, but despite their efforts, they cannot find the ideal person, which leaves them frustrated.

We must also remember those people who spend long periods together, and from time to time decide to separate for reasons of relevance or not! .

Certainly what must exist in a relationship for it to thrive is love. This makes for a greater commitment and provides a lasting union, which does not normally happen in unions that have a financial interest or some other than emotional interest.

Union that takes place in adolescence usually suffers wear and tear for a short time and usually culminates in separation.

Spirit/soul is what loves

But in all aspects we see naturalness, because human relationships are not tied to patterns or unbreakable commitments, and when we are entering adolescence it is common to fall in love easily. It is because the spirit that we are and that occupies the material body is in a frantic search to find that person who in spirituality is committed to finding. This explains the multiple dating relationships, which for the most part fail.

Many find the union of people of the same sex or gender strange. Some religions even abhor such a bond, but this bond is normal, as we believe that whoever loves is the spirit/soul and not the body. The body only serves for temporary physical attraction, this one that empties with time, but the attraction originated from the spirit is solid, as it has to do with commitments from other lives, whose meeting was agreed when we were still in spirituality.

It may also happen that we meet in this life to live a period together, but after the rescues are completed, there will be no further need for continuity in the relationship. Hence the sudden separations.

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There are those people who spend their entire lives without an effective partnership, it may happen that they came with the objective of being alone, or sometimes just to procreate a child, this for various reasons that have to do with past lives.

Let us always remember that some events in life obey determinism, and it is the spirit/soul that loves, not the body.

Peace for all.

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