Soul medicine can help fight suffering

    Traditional medicine does not stop discovering remedies, cures, less invasive treatments and tests that help us to detect diseases early with more and more effectiveness. However, we do not stop seeing people who are sick, weakened and often with problems that seem to be an unknown for medicine, after all, no exam detects the cause, but patients continue to feel sick. This is because the problem may not be in the physical, but in the soul.

    the medicine of the soul it is a way of treating the patient's essence and seeking the answer to pain and dissatisfaction within him. This happens in the same way that some pain can become chronic only caused by the person's state of mind. Stress, for example, can cause stiff muscles and constant pain in the spine, shoulders and neck.

    If we have some dissatisfaction that has become a disease in the soul, the same happens. If you hold grudges, grudges and frustrations, it will probably be reflected in your body, but no doctor, using traditional medicine, can treat it. After all, you won't find the cause even after a long battery of general or specific exams. In some cases, we may even be diagnosed with some secondary disease found, but its treatment will not make us feel any improvement.

    Soul medicine can help fight suffering

    To avoid this, you probably already know what to do: lead a calmer life, without great worries and without carrying an unnecessary weight of past events. The same goes for the future, as excessive anxiety and expectations also only hurt us. However, many people are not able to make this shift and have a light, trouble-free soul on their own, or else they have reached such an advanced situation that they really need help to get rid of it.

    This is where soul medicine comes in, a form of treatment that treats the individual and not the disease. The search for the problem is at the core of your being, and it will not be indicated through clinical examinations, but through exercises of self-knowledge and the strengthening of spirituality.

    There are professionals who help in this type of search, books on the subject and several articles on the internet inside, but, if you allow me, I suggest that you seek the form of spirituality that best fits your profile. When you find it, give yourself completely to it and let it heal you little by little. Don't resist, I guarantee that life gets easier little by little. Just accept that you need change and understand that it is necessary.

    • Text written by Roberta Lopes da Silva from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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