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The more obligations we have to fulfill, the more exhausted we feel. This prevents us from dedicating ourselves to other plans and puts us in a comfort zone, without the possibility of evolving.

Tiredness is a symptom of a busy life, but it may not be a sign of a happy life. True prosperity lies in finding what makes us feel good. But how to reach this goal with so many other ideas, sensations and people pressing us?

The first step in expanding your ability to fulfill your desires is to do away with the excuses you've already memorized.

That important meeting, that decisive journey, that revolutionary projectโ€ฆ none of this must be left behind. Before we make our wishes come true, it is easier to imagine that they will not work out, finding a number of reasons for this.

A busy life, uncertainty, low self-esteem, fear of failure and the possibility of receiving external judgments are issues that motivate us to look for excuses not to follow our instincts or our desires. But there are other points to consider.

Sorry. Learn to avoid it to make your life more prosperous.

The possibility of success, the ability to improve one's life, the promotion of self-knowledge and the chance to make the people we love proud are benefits that will only come to us if we have courage and motivation.

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We need to fight for our dreams, show interest in what we like, dedicate ourselves to new activities and seek new horizons. The excuses we find will not do anything positive for us, other than preventing us from having dreams and from being able to live in a different and better way than we are living in the present.

Adopt a new attitude, looking for motivation instead of excuses. Review the things you've always held yourself back from doing and question whether you really can't or shouldn't do them.

Stop worrying about other people's judgments because they are not the ones who live your life or know how you feel.

Make the most of your existence, so that you can say that your success is your responsibility and your achievement.

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