Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm in transformation!

    "I'd rather be this walking metamorphosis than having that old opinion about everything."

    - Raul Seixas

    You know those notices easily found in public or private places that apologize for the inconvenience and let us know that they are under renovation? Well, I think we should carry something similar with us throughout our lives, warning us that we are in transformation. Yes true! That's because we transform ourselves every moment.

    In my clinical experience, I have heard many reports of how difficult it seems for some family members and friends to understand that we are no longer the same as before, or rather, we are not the same as a few minutes ago. This is not to say that there were no positive transformations, but it often puts in doubt how much the other “still” knows about us. And predictability is very important to some people, because it puts them in a somewhat familiar place, and the familiar tends to make us feel safe.

    Often, we ourselves do not look kindly on our own desires for transformation.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm in transformation!

    I consider that we are the sum of each lived moment. It is our experiences, together with the culture where we are inserted, that establish us as people, that set the tone for who we are. In this way, the world changes, the culture changes and we change. Some more, some less, but we all change and go through long transformations.

    Currently, I have noticed, for example, many issues involving changes in habits and food choices. It is increasingly common to find someone who has switched to a vegetarian, vegan or gluten or lactose-free diet, and it is also common to find people questioning these changes in habits, these new choices, these transformations. Many say they don't understand so much radicalism, as if there was a “more right” way of doing it. The different takes on the connotation of the sick, based on sedimented determinations of a world that is ours and that says how most people do and take them as a reference. We are all unique expressions within a social contour, we are at the same time so equal and so different.

    I keep thinking that many of us interrupt moments of transformation, from what makes sense to us at the expense of understanding and unconditional acceptance of the world. It is a choice, and certainly every choice has a meaning.

    It's up to each of us to make choices that make us happier, keeping in our lives what we want and truly doing us good and transforming what doesn't make sense because it's not genuine!

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