Some ways to earn extra income amid the crisis

    In times of crisis, being able to do something to earn extra income is always welcome. With the increase in inflation, the market, in addition to other bills that accumulate, extra money can make a difference at the end of the month, and the change in addition to helping to pay the bills can also contribute to the realization of that dreamed trip. Know some ways to earn extra income, but know that anything is possible if it is done with dedication and love:

    Some ways to earn extra income amid the crisis

    Private lessons: if you have any specific training, be ready to give private lessons. The internet is there and it's easy to advertise your service. Try everything from dance class to English lessons. Do you know how to embroider or paint well? How about giving private lessons?

    Sell ​​sweets and snacks: sweets even in times of crisis are still sold. Likes to cook? Is your sweetie the family's favorite? And that pastel gets a lot of praise? Maybe start making and selling to the neighborhood or even to co-workers?

    freelance: Freelancing is also a way to earn extra income in the month. Do you write texts and articles well? There are sites like 99freelas and Prolancer that offer proofreading and writing services.

    Set up a thrift store: Do you have a lot of clothes piled up and don't know what to do? How about starting to set up an online thrift store? Make a page on the social network and put your clothes for sale. In addition to recycling the closet you will feel better;

    Carpooling or renting the house: Do you know Airnb? It is a website where you can host people in your home. Just register your home and address. In addition to meeting new people, it is a way to earn extra money. And maybe offer a ride and share the gas, at the end of the month you'll notice the difference;

    Design patterns for t-shirts: T-shirts don't go out of style. And if you like to paint and are creative, how about designing prints for t-shirts?

    Give lectures: offer to schools, universities, other spaces such as cooperatives to give lectures. You may not earn much, but you will network and meet new people, in addition to helping students and children;

    Sell ​​things: Have you noticed how we have things accumulated inside the house that we no longer use? How about starting to recycle? And who knows how to sell? The internet is a good space for you to sell things you no longer use.

    These were some very simple ways to earn extra income that don't require an investment like in other cases. If you are in need of money, start looking for things, there are many ways to earn extra money. But remember, it takes work!

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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