Solitude as an ally of evolution

The journey of life is a path taken, uniquely and exclusively, by each of us. It is personal and non-transferable. There is no way anyone can take this path in our place or assume the path of the other.

We come to this world, we are in it, and one day we will leave it, all on our own. In that sense, it's us, by ourselves, all the time. And even if we are always surrounded by people, whether at work, in our family or in our circle of friends, the truth is that we are alone. We can count on support, but there is no one who can live our life. Our history, we are the ones who write it.

Solitude as an ally of evolution

To feel this as an irrefutable truth is to radically change our perception of life and the way we relate to each other.

It's taking XNUMX% responsibility for ourselves, learning to count on us. However, in the age of instant information, in which we are currently inserted, everything invites us to seek what is outside of us. Everything encourages us to be in contact, all the time, with everyone. At the touch of a button, we have access to the most varied information, applications, images, programs, people, and countless distractions. There's a strong movement here that is looking at what's outside rather than what's inside, and that takes us away from the person who should be the most important person in our lives: OURSELVES.

Solitude as an ally of evolution

It is certain that all this facility helps us, and a lot! Sure! But we must always leave a little time reserved to be in contact with us. Seek our solitude. Paying attention to how we are at the end of a tiring day at work, what we need at that moment, what our true needs are, listening to ourselves, how we can nourish ourselves with body and soul. But we will only achieve this if we are with ourselves, without distractions, without external noise, without interference.

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Being in solitude is it!

It's filling yourself with your own presence. It is in solitude that we understand that only we can give ourselves what we need. In this way, our relationships gain a lot in quality, as we stop projecting our needs onto the other, as we start to provide for ourselves internally. Relationships start to happen to add and aggregate, not to suck or subtract. Connections are made heart to heart and not to feed a game of interests.

Solitude as an ally of evolution

Only in the company itself can we observe ourselves with integrity. We are here to mature spiritually, as infinite beings that we are, to process the result of everything we have experienced until today, and there is no way to do that, if our gaze is only attentive to what is outside of us. Periods of solitude can be long, many times, but they are extremely rich and fundamental for our evolution, as they give us the possibility to return to ourselves! They encourage our self-look!

Don't be afraid to be with you, enjoy and enjoy your company as much as possible! Solitude is very different from solitude! Solitude is being in yourself and loneliness is the illusion of the lack of the other! illusion, because we are whole and the other does not belong to us. We only miss the other when we don't belong!

When we have ourselves, we are never alone!

Super hug!

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