Social isolation and the way to spiritually celebrate Christmas

What was the meaning of Christmas to you when you were a child? And what is the meaning of this date today? Before we grow up and develop our beliefs, we believe that this day of the year is exclusively an opportunity to exchange gifts and wait for Santa Claus, in addition to eating well.

But as time went on, we started to learn more about this party and the true meaning behind it. According to Christianity, Christmas, celebrated on December 25th annually, is the date on which Jesus Christ was born. An example of kindness, charity and humility, this character is honored on this occasion.

More than a birthday, the celebration of the birth of Christ is an invitation for us to be able to look at who we are, to reflect on our attitudes and to give thanks for everything that God gives us daily. During the pandemic, this kind of reflection is even more important.

Christmas in the pandemic: a spiritual celebration

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the whole world has learned that maintaining social isolation is the safest way to protect yourself from a disease for which there is no vaccine or remedy. We believe that this situation would be short-lived, but the reality proved to be tougher than that.

Just like the June festival, Christmas cannot happen in 2020 the way it always does. Many families and friends have lost loved ones, the world continues to face the economic and social consequences of the disease and a climate of hopelessness has taken over everything.

Social isolation and the way to spiritually celebrate Christmas
Jill Wellington / Pixabay

So we won't be able to spend Christmas next to the ones we love the most and we won't be able to exchange gifts as naturally as ever. There are those who don't want to celebrate the date this year, because they imagine that the party won't have the same glow without the optimism that surrounds it at all times.

To look at this situation in another, more optimistic and lighter way, we need to stick to the true meaning of Christmas. What does this party teach us? What do we promote that day? What are the feelings that should predominate on this very special occasion?

The true meaning of Christmas

Exchanging gifts, enjoying supper and meeting the ones we love are habits that are part of Christmas, but do not translate the full meaning of the party. If we're celebrating the birth of Christ, we're talking about hope, love, kindness, goodness, and unity. We are stimulating the feelings that can overcome the discouragement that comes from the pandemic.

Social isolation is not a death sentence, but a guarantee of life. It is a chance to look inside ourselves, to reflect on our attitudes and to find our true essence. Are we spreading the teachings of Jesus? Are we trying to live like he lived? Or do we let the darkness invade us?

Social isolation and the way to spiritually celebrate Christmas
Jill Wellington / Pixabay

Times are tough for all of us, but we need to find the light that always comes on at this time of year. Let's celebrate Christmas from a distance, sending messages and gifts to those we love and showing that we are present and that we are alive, despite everything. Let's give thanks for our homes, for our food, for our friendships and for our families.

Departed people can also have a place at this party. Think about the good times you had with them. Think about what they did best for you and what they taught you. From there, realize how life, in one way or another, has brought you happy and kind moments.

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Stimulate the true meaning of Christmas by celebrating life, peace and the wish for better days. Think about the lessons that God communicated to us through the figure of Jesus and feel His presence in your home and in your heart. Believe that everything will get better and allow Christmas to be celebrated in the pandemic in a different way than usual, but with even more love, gratitude and togetherness. Everything will get better!

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