Sexuality and the modern woman

    When it comes to sexuality, the idea is to dismember everything that integrates the female being, such as their most rooted values, their role in society, family, loves (self-love, the given and also what is received by others) and everything that involves beliefs, ideologies, work, etc.

    It is essential to weigh in the balance all the artifices that women use to lead a vibrant, intense life, relating well to themselves and, consequently, to the other people around them.

    Far beyond sex, sexuality encompasses all the roles of women, from their earliest childhood to the present day.

    And all these roles played by women every day, in the rage of maintaining the balance between everything and everyone, was, therefore, giving more and more space to their power, the one that never ceased to exist, but that was erased because of long decades. of even more embedded issues, which we call cultural patriarchy. Men predominating, earning more, having greater resources and rights at all socioeconomic levels in society.

    Because of this, we had the contemporary feminist movement in the United States between the 60s and 70s so that, little by little, women could conquer their spaces with strength and dignity.

    We've never been so on the agenda!

    Radical maneuvers are still a constant and unfortunately need to be carried out for women to emerge, appear and become more relevant in the social and family fields.

    Yup. We're still talking about fighting!

    It's not overnight that things change, is it?

    As much as the gourmetization of the term “feminism” has taken place, women who call themselves feminists continue to appear, who wear t-shirts that read: “Fight like a girl” and buy the books by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (which are simply ma -ra-vi-lho-sos), but who, inside their homes, are still submissive to men, listen to sexist jokes from friends and family and stay silent, afraid of ruining the friendship or the relationship. Anyway, what I mean is: where is our real sexuality? For whom have you been screaming your lamentations, your tiredness, your hard daily journey to reconcile family, work, social life and still having to take care of your little body for "amore" to find you beautiful and wonderful?

    Sexuality and the modern woman
    Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

    Not easy.

    The charge is still huge. We still unfold in many pieces to be able to simply afford this extra strong dose that society insists on shoving us down our throats.

    Why don't we simply accept how difficult it can be to take care of the universe that orbits us, so that we can share the tasks with our partners, in the most dignified and correct way, without stressing too much, getting sick physically and mentally or living on the verge of an attack of nerves with the frequency of those who change clothes?

    For all these evils and dilemmas of the modern woman, it only takes a small daily dose of “no”. No, I can't do that now. No, don't talk to me like that again. I will not wash this or that. No, I didn't find the slightest humor in what you said. No, I don't want you, because I don't want you, simple as that. I'm not in the mood for sex, I'm not in the mood for going out today, and I might never be—without getting scolded for it. I didn't come, but I wanted to! And so it goes.

    Sexuality and the modern woman
    Anna Shvets / Pexels

    The to-do list is long for the modern woman to become increasingly active with her sexuality and as a whole within her real role in society. It is essential that the scream is not muffled, that your feelings are always validated by someone. If they are not friends, partners or partners, let it be through professional listening, with behavioral therapy. There's a solution!

    And yes, caring for the feminine side that howls in us—in each of us—is fundamental to a life filled with happiness.

    The energy of the feminine is so strong and necessary for all human beings, whether male or female. The side that welcomes, that nourishes the emotions and the soul, that protects, sensitizes, listens and absorbs the impacts for a greater awareness — Hello, it's me, the feminine speaking!

    And without this intimate contact with our essence, it is impossible to create connection with the world in a healthy way.

    Fertile women need to menstruate.

    • Understand: why modern relationships don't work?
    • Uncover why female sexuality is sacred
    • Learn about the relationship between sexuality and spirituality
    • Value sexuality as one of the pillars of self-knowledge

    It's important not to mask your monthly uterine cleansing and start seeing it as a beautiful and natural process. To look at one's libido with more pleasure, love and acceptance for that, removing once and for all the fear stopped there, breaking certain barriers and opening space for the power of creation, our greatest potency as a female existence.

    The same happens with our shadows, everything we bring on the B side needs to be open to be moved whenever possible. Only then will the transformations happen!

    Be yourself, understand your wild side and cherish it. Love your love, your taste, your smell, your sweat, your connection to your sacred feminine and then embrace your sexuality fully.

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