Seven types of bosses and how to deal with them

Finding your dream job is a common goal for everyone. What is even more desired is to find a boss who is as good as the job. After all, your career development is directly affected by the boss you have. Having a superior who knows how to extract the best of his potential and be fair with the team is what we imagine being ideal for a boss. But since it's hard to find them, we think it's important to give you some tips to deal with those bosses that aren't that good. Meet seven types of bosses and learn how to deal with each of them.

selfish boss

It's that boss who only sees his side and doesn't even care about the good of the company, much less the good of the employees. Everything he does is only for his own benefit. With bosses like that, the tip is to be flexible and, little by little, show him that when the team and the company get along well, he will be recognized for that and will also benefit from everyone's work.

One who doesn't make mistakes

Some bosses like to put the blame for a mistake on someone on the team. Deep down, they are very insecure and that's why they can't admit they made a mistake. It's important to get proof in your work where mistakes came from. Emails and written instructions are great for showing that the error isn't coming from where it's accusing. And when you make a mistake, own up to the mistake and show him how good it is to have the humility to admit you made a mistake.

the lost

Some bosses have moved up the ranks because they are great employees, but when faced with coordinating a team, they are inefficient in strategizing. Having a lost boss hurts the entire team and can hurt a lot when working to tight deadlines. In these cases, try to be a mediator between your boss and the team and show him how some strategies can be delimited to better coordinate the work. Put yourself as an ally and little by little you will gain his trust.

Seven types of bosses and how to deal with them

the gossipy boss

Some bosses like to take advantage of their position of superiority to make inappropriate comments and start nasty conversations in the workplace. Show him that you are a serious person, talking only about work and in a respectful way. Never speak ill of anyone close to him. Don't feed the meanness he likes to have in conversations.

inflated ego

If your boss likes praise and is always looking to benefit those who are there just to please him, you have a boss with an inflated ego. Don't get on the bandwagon of being an asshole. Know how to indirectly demonstrate that the good results of your work were helped by him, so as not to displease him. But don't increase his ego any further. Show that you are a good worker, but not a sycophant.

the runaway

When the problem is big, he runs away. Bosses like that don't want to take responsibility. When a problem arises, suggest solutions to him to show that you are an ally, but make it clear that the final decision is for him to make. In this way, he will realize that he cannot escape the role he has assumed in the company.

the dissatisfied

If your boss insists on setting unrealistic goals for the team, it shows that he is more stubborn and unrealistic than he should be. Whenever new challenges arise, insist that he write down goals so that everyone has documented what he wants. That way, you can negotiate and argue with numbers and facts the objectives and show how what he asks is unrealistic.

Have you ever had a boss like that or some other way that was also difficult to deal with? Tell us about your experience in the comments.

Written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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