Seven planes of existence

This video is a guided meditation, created by the founder of Thetahealing, Vianna Stibal, that will integrate and connect you in a very natural way to the Seven Planes of Existence and that will change your life forever.

There Seven Planes (or Realms) of Existence in which All-That-Is, in its limitless expression as Creation. It is important to understand these plans to clarify why and where our beliefs, programs, contracts, commitments, initiations, and healings come together. originate. We operate physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually as part of and connected to all Planes. Each Plane is working in our body in complete harmony to create life at all times. Every Plane operates within this Third Plane, where we as human beings reside.

As we utilize and work with these Planes consciously and unconsciously, it is essential that we learn to respect the consciousness these Planes bring forth. Each plane has its ability to heal. Every healing modality and healing practitioner uses the Planes. But not everyone is aware of the more direct connection with the 7th Plane – the energy of All-That-Is. Our personal programming, along with planetary and spiritual programs, are embedded in the collective group consciousness. This awareness is often based on fear, for we believe and feel separate from this ever-existing energy. In fact, we are always connected, no matter what we do, think or feel. ThetaHealing ® brings us the opportunity to awaken and remember this connection and use it to help humanity evolve in the highest and best ways.

Why do ThetaHealing® therapists go straight to the 7th Plane, through Theta brainwaves, to see and witness healings?

Each plane has an increasing movement of the atomic structure. Our human body vibrates at a certain frequency range and when we access a plan to perform healings, with different vibrations of energy, it becomes difficult for the body to remain in balance. When we access the 7th plane first, it helps to keep the therapist in an energetic balance that:

  • Eliminates ego and disease;
  • It allows us to witness instantaneous healing or to perceive some difficulties in our body and in the other;
  • It allows us to know the Highest Truth;
  • Aligns us to travel to any plane so that we can move between Planes with awareness and communicate with the physical elements;
  • It prevents us from being bound or bound by the laws or rules of other Planes of Existence.

Having these constant interactions with the Planes, it is clear which Plan each healing modality comes from. We are so blessed to be aware of and receive the gifts of creativity from each of these Planes.

Seven planes of existence
NataliaMills / Getty Images / Canva

The Planes of Existence are veiled between them and are divided into degrees, systems and numerous subcategories. In many "New Age/Thought" writings, the Planes of Existence are often referred to as dimensions. This is wrong. In the vastness and understanding of Creation, dimensions really exist within the 6th Plan – The Laws of Creation, and there are millions of dimensions. When you hear “we are raising our frequency into the 5th dimension”, what this is really saying is that we are becoming aware of our deep connection to the 5th Plane – the Masters, Angels and Guides – releasing duality beliefs to truly remember and claim our magnificence (without being egotistical/selfish).

In working with the Planes, we are actually fueling more than one Plan at a time – a marriage of the Plans. Each plane has an interchangeable consciousness that works with other planes. The example below is a very linear awareness of the Planes. The energy of Creation is really spiral.

The seven planes of existence

The First Plane of Existence: it is where molecules come together to form non-carbon-based matter. This is the power of Mother Earth. Examples of the 1st Plane elements are rocks, minerals, crystals and Earth (soil). Taking mineral supplements such as calcium and magnesium are provided from this Plan and support our physical structure/bodies.

The interchange of consciousness between the Planes is exemplified through the connection of rock composed of slowly moving atoms. Atoms come from the consciousness of the Sixth Plane - the Laws of Creation.

Water, which exists and functions in the first three planes, is charged from electrons created in the 6th plane.

The Second Plane of Existence: this is the first time molecules have fused with carbon. This plane includes organic matter – plants (they live outside of light and air and are highly evolved), herbs, trees, vitamins, viruses, bacteria, fungi, yeasts and fungi. A sacred dance is created between the Plant Beings together with the Earth/Air Spirits to interconnect between the First and Third Planes of Existence. As mentioned in the foreground, water resonates at this level as well.

Seven planes of existence
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The Third Plane of Existence: it is an illusion, being the reality that we, as human beings, create in it. It's the playground for working with emotions, passion and creative thinking. It is a place to learn to control our thoughts and master our fears, as fear is the only thing that keeps us thinking that we are connected with this illusion and separate from the All, the Creative Source of All-That-Is. The more beliefs we change through the Whole, the faster we can move freely through all the Planes, unbound by Karma (the 6th Plane Law of Cause and Effect). Animals also exist on this plane.

Between the Third and the Fourth: this is where deviations (disembodied spirits) get “stuck” between Earth and electromagnetic energy/energy (again, part of the Laws of the Universe – 6th plane).

The Fourth Plane of Existence: it is where the spirits of totems (animal spirits), shapeshifters and the spirits of many ancestors reside. People who constantly work on this Plane are called Shamans. It is the plane where the soul waits to take shape again (reincarnate) and genetic beliefs pass on. The language originates from the Fourth Plane and is used by the inhabitants of the Third Plane. There was a time when we could hear and see everything – we just “knew” without using language.

Many limiting belief systems come from this Plane.


“I have to give up my senses – eyes, ears, voice etc – to heal.”

“I have to suffer to learn/grow.”

“The more power I have, the weaker my body becomes.”

“Embracing punishment shows my strength.”

“I must die to grow back spiritually.”

"It's impossible to heal others for money, that's just commerce."

These programs show why certain shamans feel they must take on the illnesses of their patients. As our thinking constructs change, these deep commitments no longer need to be created or accepted as the Ultimate Truth.

Seven planes of existence
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The Fifth Plane of Existence: it is the astral plane based on dualism - of both love and fear, where the battle of good and evil (or extreme adversity) is fought and replicated on the Third Plane. It is a very divided realm with a clear separation between the "higher" and "lower" aspects of this realm. There are the High Vibration energies that live in the “Higher Spectrum” such as the Higher Self, Gods, Goddesses, Guardian Angels, Legions of Heavenly Angels, Master Angles, Guides, Christ, Buddha, Jehovah, Yahweh, Heavenly Mother and Father and The Councils of 12 (Heads of Soul Family Reunions). Then there are the “lower” realms of the 5th Plane of Fallen Angels, demons, Nephilim, Satan, Beelzebub, etc. These divisions do not intertwine with each other, although they are very aware of their existence. More about these Realms is in the Advanced Book of ThetaHealing®.

Ancient history pledges such as Oaths and Vows of Poverty, Chastity, Celibacy are found in this Plan.

Examples of beliefs from this Plane are: trading one's power for another, having to prove oneself, or fighting an opposing force with sacrifice.

“Transitions have to be dramatic/hard/difficult.”

“I have to be alone to be close to God”

“I have to suffer to prove myself and God.”

“I have to punish myself in order to grow and progress.”

"I have to sacrifice my life to save the world."

“I have to sacrifice myself to know that I am loved by others.”

"I need pain to win."

"I have to go through hell to live each day."

"I have to fight evil."

“I am a warrior who has to fight for God.”

Seven planes of existence
Hemera Technologies / Photo Images / Canva

The Sixth Plane of Existence: it involves the Laws of Creation that regulate and balance the very fabric of Creation – pure Truth and responsibility without any polarity or adversarial position. There are billions of Laws some of which are Light (color), Sound (Tone), Karma (cause and effect), Attraction, Justice, Wisdom, Balance, Gravity, Magnetism and Electricity. This plan also includes the formation and awareness of numbers, which can be expressed as patterns and symbols (astrology and numerology). Under the Law of Time is really Dimensions, Sacred Geometry and the Akashic Records. There is no Law of Love like Love, but the Law of Compassion which is closest to the Seventh Plane.

The Seventh Plane of Existence: It is Pure Love, Ever Conscious and the Highest Truth. Just and. That was. It always will. The realm of the Creator, of God, of the ALL, of the Creative Source of All-That-Is that creates all other Planes as it exists in everything. In ThetaHealing® we learn a meditation that allows us to “remember” our connection to this Creator of All-That-Is.

By being aware of working from this connection, we can witness the accumulation of energy and how it is used to co-create with the Creator of All-That-Is, to spontaneously manifest, witness instantaneous healing, change any thought form. (illusion), with the absolute energy of love and joy, is "The Awakened State".

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The more people access the Collective Consciousness of the Group to witness changes in this Seventh Plane, the easier it will be to change human consciousness. We can evolve together and have instant cures all the time.

ThetaHealing® helps each student to connect strongly to the Seventh Plane to cleanse the beliefs and programs that keep us tied to the other Planes due to contracts, vows, oaths or promises. Freedom becomes encoded as remaining present in the perspective of the Creator of All-That-Is, with love and compassion.

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