Ser Tia – My best role in the world!

    A piece of me that beats out of the chest!

    That's what I always feel when I think of them! And how crazy it is for two little people, who didn't leave me, to awaken a love so unconditional and true like that. Being an aunt was the best thing that happened in my life in the last 5 and a half years.

    I remember exactly the day my brother called me telling me he was going to be a father, how crazy, it was a mixture of “What now?” with “It's going to be okay!”. And I also remember the day she arrived and the first time our eyes met… She with that eye characteristic of our family and a huge yellow flower on her head. It was the Sun that had arrived to light up the lives of all of us. I was delighted, scared and very happy! And from that first meeting I was sure that I would never leave her alone in this world.

    Since then we have collected wonderful moments and she has become my little partner. Always with me at the gym, zumba class, parties, barbecues, lunches. Sleeping together, setting up camp, making up stories. We talked about everything from school fights to makeup tips.

    Ser Tia – My best role in the world!

    One day I spent a long time watching her play in the pool, and a flood of memories, feelings and desires took over my heart! I did a retrospective of hers, at the time, 4 and a half years, and I realized how she had grown. Speech, gestures, reasoning, how time passes quickly! I felt an unparalleled happiness to see her full of life, imagination, innocence and desires! I felt an immense love, the kind that leave us breathless, I felt that I have a part in it, and that she belongs to me as much as I belong to her! And how much my attitudes and gestures directly influence her development, and that freaked me out!

    My baby is already a girl! A girl who knows what she wants, who puts her foot down, who questions, teaches, dances, sings, who takes care! Take care of your brother, grandma, take care of me! She has no idea, but countless times her hug cured the longing, her kisses eased a pain and her jokes sent sadness far away! She has no idea, but for the simple fact that she exists, I'm a much happier person, and every "Aunt Carol" I hear my heart overflows with joy! You are a little piece of mine with a life of its own! My baby is already a girl!

    A cheerful, affectionate and crazy guy lol! My relationship with him is totally different from the one I have with Isabella, mainly because geographically I haven't been able to follow her development so closely. But that's where the lesson comes in, because even further away in these first 2 years of life, love is just as immense and true. And the fear I had of him not liking me went away the day I heard on a video call: “Dinda te amo!”.

    Ser Tia – My best role in the world!

    I wish I was close to crush and fill with kisses, but no matter where he is, my heart will always be there! Let's do a lot more! As godmother, I also made a commitment to watch over, protect, care for, accompany you on this beautiful journey and contribute to your spiritual evolution and as a human being! Jeez, that's a good responsibility, isn't it?!

    It is no longer possible to imagine life before them. They created connection and turned everyone into a family! They taught me about love, about wanting to be an example, thinking about the future in a different way, about wanting to make someone happy, they taught me about homesickness!

    Ser Tia – My best role in the world!

    And how difficult this phase away from them has been! But I know that soon we will be close again.

    And today, on Auntie's Day, I wish you to dance, play and be the happiest people in the world, that your cries are limited to falls and childish tricks, that I can always be around and that nothing can undo this connection that we has, which is so ours and ours alone!

    May Heavenly Father enlighten and keep you my angels.

    Aunt Carol and Dinda love you so much.


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