Sending Reiki from a Distance in Real Time: How to use energy in Self-Constellation?

    Expand awareness and receive. WE take care of the rest. What do you mean Raquel Koury? Which technique is the best? Can you really heal me? What does all this have to do with Quantum Constellations?

    Hello Beloved,

    Upon request, today I come (finally) to update the video of Sending Reiki from a distance in real time. I take the opportunity to answer some questions sent by those who already accompany and participate in our remote reiki sending, which has been taking place for many years every Wednesdays between 22:00 and 23:00.

    Well, I've been researching energy therapies (I think) forever. And I'm not generalizing, because I have memories, confirmed by my mother, that at about 3 and 4 years old I would already put my hands on people who were afflicted or in pain and asked them to realize that they were healing. Well, I got some labels back in early childhood: the strange, the different, witch, crazy, etc.

    You must have read about my “exorcism” at age 9 in other articles and books. Well, I learned to use the labels and anguish of a different and excluded child as a motor to move forward, doing something good with it instead of letting my inner child cry all my life.

    Today I am proud and grateful for everything I had to go through to get here, in the now, teaching and learning to raise consciousness with a focus on practical solutions.

    At the time, I think I would have done what my parents did. They called a priest, I got some slaps on the face, holy water, lots of shouting and prayers during the exorcism… but the “demon” didn't come out. They provoked “him”, the thing got worse and more phenomena I caused.

    Fervent Catholics, my parents agreed to take me to a famous parapsychologist who lived in my city, Sorocaba-SP, after all he was also Catholic, so for them this was acceptable. At the time, ordinary people (lay people) did not know what parapsychology was, let alone phenomena.

    Sending Reiki from a Distance in Real Time: How to use energy in Self-Constellation?

    And it was Professor Valter Alfredo Franceschine, Parapsychologist and active paranormal (in memorian), my first mentor. Thanks to everything I learned from him over 20 years, I was able to make a nice omelet with the eggs they threw at me.

    In 2009 I carried out one more of my research on energy cures, after all I had fallen ill and I could not accept falling into this trap of life. How did I, a researcher on the subject, allow myself to get sick?

    That's when I locked myself in the farm and got the cure through the techniques, detailed in my book SENSITIVES by the protagonist's "voice".

    Well, I got sick like all of us, little human beings that we are. While we pay attention to the "neighbor's garden", ours may even die.

    So I joined a study group to practice energy healing, especially at a distance, because we couldn't meet often, some lived in other countries. But always on Wednesdays we would get together mentally and energetically to send Reiki from a distance, and this has increased over the years. We estimate that we are connected in 2018 with around 500 energy therapists + thousands of people who connect with us on Wednesdays. It's a lot of energy!

    At other times, Raquel would write a huge text trying and trying to explain the “how” and “why” these cures happen. Today, on another level of consciousness, I try to explain in a few words only SEEKERS of this knowledge, because I no longer feel the need for this type of speculation and confrontation with skeptics.

    Sending Reiki from a Distance in Real Time: How to use energy in Self-Constellation?

    Today I surrendered to the Socratic maxim: “I KNOW, THAT I KNOW NOTHING” and to the power of silence in some cases, especially with those who seek only to criticize without having a broader knowledge through a real physical and “inexplicable” cure like mine. and that of so many other people who have already achieved it. A knowledge that is not only found in books. A knowledge “BEYOND” the limiting human understanding.

    As the protagonist of my book, Dr. Sara Salim (auter ego?)

    “Not everything that is not explained is inexplicable.” – (Sensitives, Cultrix Thought-2010).

    However, when we access some levels of consciousness, we let go of the need for explanations. We no longer need the approval of the other, because we understand and accept that each of us is in a certain vibrational frequency and we should not judge which is right or wrong, they are just different and period. We learn not to judge, which is very difficult, but it's simple when we're aligned.

    The most important philosophical and scientific names in our history were also labeled, considered crazy, idealists, witches, weirdos and so on… Not everyone could stand it, many committed suicide, others were hospitalized in asylums. But years after their deaths they were recognized as geniuses. And we already know that the line between madness and genius is thin.

    So here we go:


    Well, I know you've been labeled too, and maybe you still are, right?

    I just saw this in my “crystal ball”.

     If I got your labels right, it's because you're in tune with me, maybe because I've already gone through the same pains as you, maybe because you're about to change levels and you've picked up my frequency, it doesn't matter... Chance doesn't exist, everything it is synchronicity and resonance.


    Scientists, in the first instance, seek the untruth behind these “stories” of unconventional cures. This is their role. But their laboratory experiments prove the body and brainwave changes before, during and after a person receives the energy. Proving the changes, they enter into several theories to explain what seems inexplicable and so each one is "working" what they need and at their "time" here on this little planet we are on, and everything is right, you see?

    We are all where we should be, each one in his role having the physical experience necessary for his personal evolution (consciousness), which joins the other's and the other's, gradually increasing the level of our collective evolution-consciousness, already seeking We reach and work on the 3rd level of consciousness, the gateway to the so-called 5th dimension, which is not a place but a state of consciousness where we can enjoy a new way of SEEING, BEING and LIVING, in the here and in the now.

    Thus, classical physicists and informational quantum physicists are in their place (role) of explaining and trying to discover the “truths” and untruths of all this. And we (therapists, coaches, seekers) stay in our role, freeing ourselves from these “earthly” needs, practicing self-healing and the expansion of personal consciousness, after the collective and we expand and expand until we “climb the step”, whatever it may be. for.

    To read the article on the 3 consciences, click here: Family Constellation and The 3 consciences: A New Way of Seeing, Being and Living

    About the beginning of this article:

    “Raise awareness and receive. WE take care of the rest.”

    What do you mean Raquel Koury? Which technique is the best? Can you really heal me? What does all this have to do with Quantum Constellations?

    Beloved and beloved, this “WE” do the rest, it's not Raquel and her team, not even the thousands of people who connect to us on Wednesdays. It is a broader “WE” of the third level of consciousness.

    In other words, we are not discussing quackery in this environment here, skeptics already do this well. And in all areas of activity there are charlatans, right?

    Well, if your internal answer was, "True Rachel, you're right".

    I'm sorry, you were wrong (lol), I'm just helping you think about it.

    There is no way to talk about quackery when it comes to self-healing people. Please: ALL CURE IS SELF-CURE. So be your own charlatan or healer, but do something good with this energy available to all of us. Do it for you, and then we will expand on other levels of consciousness and we will make a difference. Together!

    This is the “WE do the rest”, which I referred to at the beginning. And you are part of it. Welcome, welcome!

    Sending Reiki from a Distance in Real Time: How to use energy in Self-Constellation?

    But which energy is better Rachel, Reiki, ThetaHealing, Access Bars, EFT, Herts, Quantum Touch or Ho'oponopono?

    Beloved, for Raquel the answer is SO MUCH!

    Every day this medium is being explored more commercially, it proves that these energies work and continue to attract millions of people in the world in search of them, thus appearing many new techniques per year, that everything they are is MORE OF THE SAME. All wonderful and with results, otherwise they would not be in fashion.

    At the 3rd level, we learn that there are several different “channels”, leading us to the same end: We have to TO WAKE UP, Y-COR-BUT. BUT OF CHOIR to this little gray world, isn't it?

    Our grandmothers did not know these current techniques, but they knew the “blessing”, breaking, praying, laying on of hands and asking God, and so on. What's more, it also worked!


    Sending Reiki from a Distance in Real Time: How to use energy in Self-Constellation?

    Everything in the universe is energy. Everything is alive and in motion. The slower the speed of vibration of the atoms that make up a body, the denser it becomes. Crystals, for example, are dense, heavy, but they still have their internal movement – ​​they are and are alive.

    We are energy condensed in human form. Being “human” does not imply ceasing to be consciousness. It's all together and mixed. This is just our physical experience on Earth.

    If there are other experiences, where we are going or where we come from does not matter here, in the state we are in now, reading this text. If you arrived here, you already understand this MATRIX somehow. So let's focus on the "channels" offered to reconnect and live this experience better, with less pain and more love. Each one evolving to the extent of their worthiness and their ability to support this wonderful journey of transition, which unfortunately on the physical plane is very lonely indeed. Is not?

    Our body has its own superior intelligence system. Our body doesn't want to get sick, so it helps us to heal it through any technique (alert) that REMIND us of what we were born knowing, but forgot. The connection we had before the limiting beliefs and injunctions that were added to us, without us asking for them.

    To receive reiki is to get in touch with this higher intelligence. It is allowing the healing to take place within. It's being able to receive insights and realize where and why blockages happen. It's understanding why we get sick, what the reason for accidents on our path is. Everything has a reason that leads us to growth.

    Well, I'll end the text with a question just to encourage you to watch the video below, lol.

    Raquel, but what does all this have to do with the Constellations???

    The Video below has x minutes of explanation and Y minutes of real-time distance reiki sending.  


    Sending Reiki from a Distance in Real Time: How to use energy in Self-Constellation?To join our WhatsApp group send "your name and I want to join" by clicking here.

    Want to know more about Quantum Constellations? Come with me in an Online and Free Workshop that we have prepared with care for the portal's readers. However places are limited, click below and I will send you an email with your access to the workshop by email and, see you on the other side…

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    Quantum Kisses

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