Self-love reminders!

Self-love reminders!

Today, here's a compilation of insights to cultivate your self-love!

Do you believe you need to be perfect?

The pursuit of perfection can be an elusive path that will lead you to develop mental and even physical illnesses. Where is perfection written? You and I are unique beings, each with experiences, learning, evolutions, failures and successes.

Seeking to be a better person is always good. Develop your skills and want to make the world a better place too, but to what extent do you charge yourself so much?

Take it easy with you, invest in internal care, your self-esteem and your self-love. Invest in therapies!

Often, your biggest enemy, your biggest obstacle, can be yourself. Being more true to yourself, accepting difficulties, limitations and failures in an understanding way, is essential.

Have you ever met people who did so much for everyone but sometimes forgot to take care of themselves?

Many women were called “warriors” for carrying the world on their shoulders, but no one ever asked how they were feeling inside.

There are so many responsibilities that we all have that we often try to carry the weight of everything, the environment we live in, work, family and loves, so we forget to take care of ourselves.

When you take care of everyone but yourself, you cancel yourself out.

Do you put yourself first in your life?

Know that putting yourself first is not selfish!

Putting yourself first is prioritizing your feelings, desires, dreams, desires and, above all, listening to your Higher Self, your intuition and what you want and should do for yourself.

Putting yourself first is self-love.

Have you ever molded yourself to fit into someone's life?

In a healthy relationship, there will be mutual agreements and things that both of you will give up to get along, and that's okay. Failing to do certain things in your single life, for example, is something that makes sense when you're in a romantic relationship.

An unhealthy relationship is when there are too many demands on one side and the person simply dictates what the other should and should not do.

When you relate, you automatically end up sharing and sharing quirks, dreams, customs, conversations and desires. Temporarily, some people end up being molded by the other, forgetting who they really are.

A toxic relationship, most of the time, is not clear to those who are experiencing it.

Attitudes like what you should and shouldn't do, what you should and shouldn't wear, who you should and shouldn't see are toxic.

Certain restrictions end up causing you to lose your self-esteem and increasingly seek the approval of the other, instead of listening to and loving yourself in your essence.

Over the time of a toxic relationship, you end up getting lost and confused about your feelings and about your future, awakening fears and trauma.

You might also like:

  • How much are you trying to fit in?
  • Techniques to improve your breathing in meditation
  • Understand what you need to know about therapy
  • Learn how to practice self-love daily
  • Differentiate self-esteem from self-love

If you start to cancel yourself out to try to fit in and stay in a relationship, renouncing your desires and dreams for a relationship or the need to feel loved, it is necessary to seek help from a professional who can guide you on the path of how to supply understand what you are experiencing. How to act and how to develop your self-love again and have control over your feelings and your life?

Learn to work on self-demand to live better!

The search for perfection, for wanting to be better at everything or wanting everything to be ready for yesterday can be a difficult path to travel and harmful to physical and mental health.

If you push yourself too hard, to the point where it affects your mental health, you don't need enemies as you are punishing yourself. It is possible to go lighter and take it lighter with you. I'll give you some tips:

  1. Don't compare yourself to other people;
  2. Allow yourself to make mistakes;
  3. Identify and enhance your strengths;
  4. Seek help;
  5. Take time to rest;
  6. Stop procrastinating; it is better done than well done;
  7. Try to focus on “the whole”, not the details;
  8. Try to accept constructive criticism.

I hope I can help you in some way with the intention of making your life lighter. You deserve a lot and you also deserve to be understanding with yourself.

Schedule a chat with me. In our first meeting, we will talk and evaluate the best way to conduct your process. And don't worry, I don't charge for this conversation.

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