Self-knowledge as a path to the fulfillment of women in old age

    Self-knowledge is a process of self-discovery, where the person invests in knowing their weaknesses, limitations, potential and talents, aiming to become a better human being for themselves and for society.

    In old age, when most of their life cycle has passed, the search for self-knowledge is confused with the marks of time, which often leads to a conflict in the relationship between their life experience and their true role in life. contemporary social structure, causing feelings of exclusion and a sense of uselessness to develop in the face of the dynamics demanded by modernity.

    For this, it is important to be prepared to enter this universe, and the master key to open the door that gives this access is self-knowledge. Only in this way will it be possible to know what you really want and desire for your old age.

    People considered legally elderly started to form a significant contingent in society as a whole, recognized themselves as such and assumed their true power.

    Today, as a result of greater participation of the elderly in intergenerational actions and easier access to information, people considered to be elderly do not feel or want to be seen as old.

    Self-knowledge as a path to the fulfillment of women in old age
    Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

    Today's elderly women, although many have had the opportunity to acquire autonomy and financial independence, have historically had their social and political rights denied, facts that reflect very strongly on their position in the current social context. Most also show a posture of putting the questions of others, especially the family, ahead of their individual interests.

    When analyzing history, we will see that great transformations took place from what was called the gender revolution, when the first demonstrations demanding equality between men and women emerged.

    But little by little, women assumed their power and became aware of their important role in society in order to make it fairer, less prejudiced and more tolerant of differences. In this movement, the search for individual potential as a foundation to support a new social paradigm that strongly includes the elderly as a protagonist in the construction of this history has been promoting a very important and progressive change in the mentality of society in general.

    Social empowerment promotes awareness among the population about the situation of inequality to which women are inserted and, with this, seeks to provide them with access to rights historically denied.

    It is clear that the action of empowering still finds resistance in more conservative environments, but, although there is still a long way to go, it is already possible to feel the progress in several areas and the respective benefits that have been obtained and translated into the evolution of society in general. .

    Self-knowledge as a path to the fulfillment of women in old age / Pexels

    It is important to emphasize that one cannot fail to consider that it is a movement that is far from being considered organic in nature, as it needs to be stimulated and encouraged in its various areas of activity so that it can achieve its goals.

    But, thanks to the progress resulting from the constant struggle undertaken for a firmer and more empowered position, especially at the end of the last century, today we have a significant and growing portion of women who are aware of their own value and the important role they play in society.

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    In this sense, it is definitely recognized that women need to meet with themselves so that they can stop feeling guilty for wanting respect, recognition and space. And this need for affirmation receives shelter in the search for self-knowledge, a path that will be able to lead and provide this meeting so that, from there, the person has the ability to see and understand their role in the context of life, demonstrating each time more security, decision and firmness in their attitudes and words that, in the field of struggle, will result in the conquest of their space.

    We affirm, therefore, that self-knowledge is an expressive way for the elderly woman to fulfill herself in all areas of life.

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