Self-knowledge and emotional regulation

    Have you ever thought about the importance of your feelings and the place they occupy in your life?

    If someone told you that it's possible for an intense feeling to make you sick, would you believe it? Feelings such as anger, fear, frustration, aversion, sadness, but also love, passion, over-excitement, empathy, compassion, among many others…

    Have you ever imagined that such feelings - which do not usually walk alone, as they are together and mixed in our mind - could be making you weak in some way?

    It is known that the feeling itself is always a mix of many things (other feelings), which makes understanding and recognition even more confusing!

    For example, you are married and you have the feeling of love for this person. This in no way means that you can't feel anger, sadness, fear or even disappointment for this person. That doesn't invalidate love either, you know? But it is still necessary to identify each stage of this “feeling” so that it does not confuse you.

    It happens that, in order to know how to identify our true feelings, it is essential to express them correctly. Which, between us, is not always a smooth task. Talking about feelings is not easy. On the contrary, we can consider this matter quite subjective!

    Self-knowledge and emotional regulation
    Julian Hochgesang / Unsplash

    Hence all the need to recognize ourselves as human beings, simple people, who cry and laugh, are born and die like any other. And in this magnificent journey of life it is of great value to know your own mind and everything that happens in it. Investing in self-knowledge is a real factor not to be ignored. And on top of that, figuring out how our mind creates all these feelings.

    However, the therapeutic process of emotion regulation helps us to tolerate affects in the service of deep and intrinsically rewarding behavioral trajectories. It is very important that we learn to expand our repertoire of behaviors, evoking all those events that are causing us suffering. After all, emotions are what connect us to others, right? And in no way can we ignore its relevance, so that we have a healthier life on several levels.

    Some emotion regulation techniques can be:

    Begin to perceive and classify emotions;

    The ability to use emotions to make decisions and clarify values ​​and goals;

    • Ignoring some people can be good for you
    • Astrological planets as energy regulators
    • Here's how to find the balance between reason and emotion
    • Know the influence of negative emotions on our health

    Understand the nature of emotions, discarding negative interpretations about them;

    The way emotions can be handled and controlled.

    That's why the best way to evaluate ourselves and know how our life and feelings are going is still through self-knowledge.

    Life, by itself, already plays the role of gracing us with different experiences at every moment, often leaving us with our hair on end, it's true. And worse: not knowing how to deal with the whirlwind of these new sensations in the body. These are good and bad experiences, which can greatly compromise our physical and moral well-being, from the time we wake up to the time we go to sleep. Besides, of course, our interpersonal and affective-love relationships. And at this time it is essential to ask ourselves “what are we feeling?”, so that we can then realize what it is generating in our body and mind, to finally point out: do I really need this feeling?

    Self-knowledge and emotional regulation
    Ilya Shishikhin / Unsplash

    Yes, it is no easy task. But being aware of everything that is potentially generated within us, see the deepest emotions and also the most momentary ones, is something that deserves full and daily attention. A diary, perhaps! Here's a really powerful exercise.

    Understanding how our minds are able to create such feelings can be highly revealing and also liberating!

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