Self-esteem and self-love / Loving yourself

“Love your neighbor as yourself”. (Matthew 22:39)
Was this Bible verse just a teaching of Jesus at that time to Christians, or a way to bless and be blessed, or would it be a law, a living energy to this day, teaching us to love and be loved?

This thermometer is for you to remember that whenever you need you can recharge your energies and feed on self-love, just set aside 30 minutes of your day or more if you can especially for you.

We often put aside this delicious love, so full of life, because of problems, obligations and we forget, little by little, that childhood joy, how many dreams for a good job, building a family, having a house to live in. …

And, suddenly, when we realize we've grown up, we're married or not, we already have a house and a job. But it seems that something was lost in the air, it seems that the routine suffocated our feelings and dreams.

So it's time to stop, take a deep breath and remember your true values, your soul essence.

Analyzing the chart below, how would you paint it?!

Self-esteem and self-love / Loving yourself

All these factors are important and we can get very close to a balance, but the first step that I consider essential is to make the connection with the divine, source of love, through prayer, meditation, appreciating Nature, entering the energy of gratitude and balancing the spiritual part with the others that will be added.

As I tune into the frequency of love, I am able to multiply that love to others.

But when we talk about self-love, the first thing I think about is health, physical, emotional and spiritual. When a person manages to sustain these three pillars in their life, they are able to love and respect themselves. What do you think?

A phrase that I really like: “Know thyself and thou shalt know the Universe and the gods”, by Socrates.

There are two wonderful tools that have helped me a lot on this path of self-knowledge and are at our disposal to help us in this “Getting to Know You”. These are the Numerological and Astrological charts. With them, I learned to remove prejudices and judgments, I was delighted and surprised at the same time, because I had no idea how many qualities we carry and how many challenges there are to overcome. So I went to study Kabbalistic Numerology, Health Metaphysics, Human Therapist, and changed my area of ​​work, becoming a Holistic Therapist and Numerologist.

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Another blessed practice to clean the garbage stored in our memory, which often hinders the flow of this self-love, is praying Ho'oponopono. Say your name at the beginning, adding blessed next, and repeat these phrases, "I'm sorry", "Forgive me", "I love you", "I'm grateful", repeat 108 times and you will feel wonderful peace every time you practice, start with your name and then do it for the situations you want to bless and change the vibration, and for all the people you feel in your heart, even that person who offended you, because you deserve peace.

Self-love also increases when we practice forgiveness, as we release the energetic knots that pollute our vibrational field.

The more you get to know yourself, the more you will be amazed at what an amazing person you are.

Considering that all matter is fleeting, only spirit is eternal, we need to practice the Law of Detachment, the Law of Donation, understand that Like attracts Like, and that everything is for synchronicity!

When Christ speaks of this love of neighbor, it is not to stop having your life and just look at the life of the other, suffocate the other, forget about you and love only your parents, or love only your children. No way! On the contrary, as I love myself, I take care of myself, I respect myself, I can love my neighbor, take care of my children with love and respect, love my parents and respect them as they are.

What often happens that makes this self-love difficult is our wounded pride, our traumas kept in drawers in our unconscious, as we humbly recognize them, we can work to free them. They are internal creatures that we create throughout life as a defense mechanism. However, these creatures do not know that we have already overcome such a challenge and they can leave or transform into courage, faith, joy. Do daily exercises to free yourself from these bonds, limiting beliefs, energy webs connected with other people, through meditation practices silencing and only receiving light. On weekends, if you can, walk in a park barefoot, getting in touch with Nature, looking for that connection at the source to transmute the energies of that week, taking a deep breath and mentalizing peace and love.

And always remember “you are where you are” (Gasparetto).

The decision to choose the path of pain or love is in your hands.

Stand in the light, and never stop shining.

Kisses in the heart.

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