Seize the moment before it's too late

Seize the moment before it's too late, before the course of life is altered or even interrupted.

Try to maintain a good and healthy relationship with all your family members. Be kind to your parents. Know how to support your brothers. Be transparent with your family members. Be respectful to your friends. Practice tolerance with your partner. Be kind to your children.

Seize the moment before it's too late

Judge less, love more. Fix the error and be ready to help. forgive. Ask forgiveness. Untie the knots. Enjoy it while you can, while your life and the lives of others are available here, on this plane, to do so. Before, my friend, it is too late!

“The dead get more flowers than the living because remorse is stronger than gratitude.”

- Anne Frank

Crying over what could have been won't make time go back to give someone another chance to redeem yourself. So don't waste your time with silly competitions, emotional games, vanities, tricks. Nothing that takes you out of the way of the Light.

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We are all in this world for a time. We're all in line. Some leave earlier, others leave later. We don't know who goes first, because it's not a matter of age.

Don't play with the feelings of others, much less have vanity. Here, on this earthly plane, we are all just passing through.

Seize the moment before it's too late

Remember those who are gone, yes. With gratitude, joy and much love in the heart, expanding our reflection to those who are by our side and offering our affection and compassion.

The awakening to a new consciousness begins with us. In the present there is always time to change. May we correct in ourselves what we cannot accept in the other. May we accept in the other everything that we have already changed in ourselves.

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