
It is common to see religious people shouting quotes on the streets with the word salvation in common. I asked one and the other what that word meant and as an answer I had memorized sentences.

Be saved from what? For what? Because?

I remembered a saying, not mine, that said: β€œThere are good waters in many springs and we should drink from them”. I went in search of the answer through several readings, dodging the cocoons of interpretations and treading the field of justification.

We are thousands of creatures in the same condition, each one in their own corporeal learning, that together we walk… To where?

For salvation! Those keep screaming.

Jeremy Perkins/Unsplash

Coming from the teachings of masters, we have that fear is necessary for humanity because our evolution is small, hence the mythology of the anti-demon god and its heated habitat. Getting rid of it is salvation, that's what they preach. It makes sense, as most need fear to walk in balance.

However, we know that the transit through the subject is fundamental for our learning in this earthly school. We are in a world of atonement and trials whose self-improvement will lead us to the world of regeneration, from this to happy worlds and to Divinity whose content, at our stage, is incomprehensible.

We are always ready in what we tune in mentally and spiritually, so we will receive nothing good in spirit if our natural attunement is not with the good.

And that's why we are influenced by out-of-body intelligences with which we adapt, whether for good or for bad. We are receiving and transmitting antennas of thoughts and emotions. When we act for the right, we will be intuited for the good, if through error inspiration will lead us to what is equivalent to it.

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Being good isn't just about doing good things, thugs do them too. It is, in essence, to continually improve oneself in the good, reforming oneself, which is not an easy job, nor of such speed that it becomes noticeable in the short term, only time will be able to show the distance covered. The work of the interior construction, as in the construction of the great building, is done brick by brick.

The way, therefore, is not in the magic of leaving the earth and entering a fairy tale world, nor is it in sacred objects and formulas or any other external practice. It is in knowing how to like yourself, disciplining thoughts, feelings and emotions in the earthly life, in a conscious way, not to hurt yourself or others, being useful to yourself and others; then, through natural action, solidarity, charity, etc. solidified in knowing how to discern about what one should and what one should not, not letting oneself be held back by this or that except for the determination of self-improvement, becoming better with each one.

Salvation is, therefore, saving us from ourselves, irrespective of heavenly bounties or from the fear of hellish punishments. It is in being soft spirits by our will.

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