ring true

    It refers to the coin which, when tested against the ring, emits a sound that reveals genuine, genuine metal without the addition of any other base material. It is characterized by “meeting the standard” and will be valid anywhere for its full value.

    This is also the case in our contemporary life. The way we speak and the way we act emits our own influence. We produce an “inaudible” sound that all other people hear inwardly and instinctively perceive. They know how to distinguish the false ring from the real, though they do not understand how they know it, just as the outer ear is able to make the finest distinctions between sounds, so that the inner ear can make equally fine distinctions between souls. None of these people are ultimately deceived, except the deceivers. It is the blind madness of deceiving people who, while flattering themselves with their successful simulations, are deceiving no one but themselves.

    ring true

    Wrote James Allen, English writer: “There is in the heart of man a court whose decisions do not fail. If the senses detect it perfectly, the soul will infallibly know!” This insightful inner assessment is so perfect and is shown in the story itself. In literature, in art, in science, in inventions, in religions – in every area of ​​knowledge – it divides the good from the bad, the worthy from the unworthy, the true from the false, naturally selecting them to keep and preserve the former and allow let the seconds perish.

    Just as counterfeit coin is detected and thrown back into the cauldron, while genuine coin circulates among people and is valued for its value, so too are false words, actions or character perceived and sent back into the void from which emerged as something unreal, impotent and lifeless.

    Illegitimate things have no value, whether coins or people! Falsehood is cheap, a shadow, a ghost, a mask. Truthfulness is a valuable virtue. Real people become examples, they are real, they are strong and their actions are perennial in them. One cannot “play” with the world and its eternal law of truth.

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