Review your emotions with five key questions

    Review your emotions with five key questions

    When we are sick, we know that obviously something bad is happening in our body. In the old days, it was believed that the cause for illness was something external, some action or consequence that started the evil. Nowadays, traditional, esoteric and psychological clinical studies point out that the main causes for diseases are linked to internal factors, such as feelings, thoughts, among others.

    Behavioral psychologist Maultsby created 5 questions that can help people discover whether certain attitudes and thoughts are destructive or not. Are they:

    1 - Is this attitude based on facts?                                    

    2 - Does it protect my life and my health?

    3 - Does it help me to avoid my unwanted conflicts?

    4 - Does she help me feel the way I would like?

    5 - Does it help me to realize my plans, both short-term and even long-term ones?

    He recommends that we carry these questions on an agenda or piece of paper so that we can refer to them on the go. It also provides an outcome model: if you can answer “yes” to all questions three times in a row, then you are on the right track. 

    In addition, it is very important to maintain, in addition to a balanced diet, healthy physical activities and brain activity - reading books, for example - but, above all, it is necessary to maintain positive attitudes, as well as thoughts and words. All of this contributes to building a healthier lifestyle, full of good things. It sounds cliché to write this, but the amount of negativity that we accumulate on a daily basis is great, even more so because other people
    they also “impregnate” us.

    Written by Bruno da Silva Melo of the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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