Respect your existential process

Even if we don't understand it at first, existing in this physical world is the opportunity to become aware of our contradictions and aspirations and how we can expand and awaken to our truth.

Observe, learn, reflect, perceive, silence, feel, but without comparisons, because each one is what he knows or can be.


Accept your process, with its limitations and achievements

Through your experiences, you have the opportunity to reveal yourself and flow better with life!

To understand others, you need to understand yourself, you are their alchemist who transforms your processes and experiences into discoveries, wisdom and love!

The best assessment you can make of yourself is how much you can see and live life with clarity and flexibility, because we are in constant motion, even without leaving the place.

Feel what wants to emerge from the depths of your BEING, calm the waters of your ocean and you will penetrate your mystery.

Respect your existential process

Flow with what you are in essence, it's not right to live what you are not to mold yourself to pre-established patterns; imitating life models is false!

Discover yourself, expand your vision and develop your potential, existence offers many opportunities and possibilities for this.

Take care of your energy, strengthen yourself and live with attention to what you feel and how you react to each experience.

You create your reality according to the perception of yourself and what you experience.

Increase your perception and you will see life with more lucidity and discernment, recognizing the cycles of existence and the processes that generate awakening and transformation.

You may be interested in another article by the same author. Access: What we seek is already in us!

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