Respect: One of Life's Greatest Lessons

At the turn of the year, and at almost 36 years old, I found myself thinking about what my greatest learning would have been in 2018. Immediately, the word RESPECT came to my head. This came at a time of great personal reflection. And I confess, it was not easy to learn. It was painful, but extremely necessary and rewarding.

When I thought of the word respect, I soon looked up the meaning in the dictionary and found the definition as the act or effect of RESPECT (self), consideration, deference, reverence, as well as a positive feeling for a person or entity. And I started to reflect.

Respect: One of Life's Greatest Lessons

Initially, I came to the conclusion that there is self-respect, that is, respect for oneself. We must, first of all, respect ourselves, respect our life, our body, our decisions, wishes and dreams.

During a Reiki session with the mother of a friend at the end of the year, when asked by her about how I was doing, I simply started to cry when talking about feelings that had been dormant within me. I conclude that I have been sabotaging some dreams and desires for years. And I'm sure you are too! Although I already have my profession, for which I am very grateful and I enjoy what I do, I know that I have the capacity to grow professionally. However, I had been sabotaging myself, making excuses and not really acting to make it happen. I started to act!

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I, too, have the desire to visit various places. In fact, going to some places in 2018 were some of the goals set and not accomplished. I didn't do them, because I would like some people to go with me, but they didn't have dreams identical to mine, and we didn't. It was not their fault that my wishes were not fulfilled, it was my fault! Nobody has the obligation to dream with me! I should have gone. By herself. But gone! Well, as I've already started to respect my dreams, some tickets are already bought and others I'm going to buy soon! Oh! I've also signed up to run a half marathon in Rio de Janeiro in August, and I've also returned to my English studies.

So, we all have desires and dreams, and we shouldn't let anyone, not our family, friends, companions interfere in their realization. In the future, we will regret it. Certainly. Position yourself for anyone. Respect yourself! After all, life is ours, and no one but us will live it!

In a second moment, I pondered about the existence of respect for others. To respect the individuality of each being is to understand that each person is unique, that they think and act differently, and also have limitations and capabilities. What the other does, thinks or how he lives is none of our business. The choices of others are none of our business. Respecting the individuality of others is not even a matter of our obligation, but something that should be natural. A matter of education perhaps.

I am a very active person, anxious would be the ideal word, and I think “everything should be yesterday”. At work, I confess, I have already criticized, internally, some people for not having the same agility or perhaps haste, as I do. I saw this as a lack of commitment. However, for some time now I have thought about the matter and concluded that it should be “each in his own square”. Each person is unique and no one can be criticized! I reached this conclusion, thank God, about 1 year ago, and I feel much better today. I learned to respect the individuality of each person in my work. After all, we all have strengths and weaknesses, and my anxiety at work can also be a flaw, right? Getting the job done in a not-so-quick way doesn't mean a lack of commitment.

Respect: One of Life's Greatest Lessons

Third and last, respect when entering and leaving someone's life, whether in a love, family or friendship relationship. Knowing how to enter and know how to leave someone's life in a dignified way is something that few people know how to do. No one needs to stay in a relationship when they want to leave, but having emotional responsibility and honesty with another is our obligation. Likewise, the other must respect our decision to leave. People are not products, commodities. We have feelings, we carry stories, traumas, plans and dreams.

Often, we lose interest, the will to continue disappears, the charm simply disappears and the only choice is to leave. It is normal that there are no more reasons to stay. But respect and honesty must always exist. We can choose the kind of person we prefer to be remembered by someone. We are less and less concerned with the feelings of the other. Let's not be that kind of person.

If today you disrespect, tomorrow you will be disrespected. If today you make suffering (without honesty and integrity), tomorrow suffering will come. The world turns, and putting yourself in someone else's shoes can be a painful experience.

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