Resilience is almost faith

I never had any doubts that the universe conspires in our favor. If, at some point, I thought of doubting, the situations showed me that I should not doubt.

O universe conspires, yes, in our favor, but it is important that we are open to observing and open-mindedly receiving the signs of this conspiracy.

When you don't know what to do, but manage to silence your mind and give yourself time to see where things will naturally end up, you feel more comfortable.

Our rational side may not understand or contradict itself, but if we enter a natural flow, from which, by the way, we should never leave, everything starts to settle down, transform itself and our intuitions (or whatever name you want to give it) lead us.

I like to think that the basic principle for this receptive movement of signals from the universe is resilience.

I read somewhere that one of the meanings of resilience is going back to the previous state, which, in a way, can be applied to everything, on the material plane or on the emotional plane. However, put in those terms, I have the impression that it is so intangible, that I would not be able to reach this state.

Resilience is almost faith

I prefer to say, and without evading the literal meaning, that resilience is almost faith. It is a human virtue that maintains our hope and, why not say, mental health.

We have all been through situations in which no action could change the facts and, once this immutability has been identified, two paths can be presented: despair permeated by frustration and impotence (even words are heavy, imagine the feeling!) or the analysis of our capacities. of adaptation and overcoming.

As an adaptation process, we do not become resilient overnight. Sometimes, even external actions will be important for the development of this skill.

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People who encourage us, welcome and affection can cushion the fall, so to speak, but our internal conditions are what will be decisive so that, through our personal experiences, we can develop confidence, responsibility for our own choices and the ability to deal with events. new.

believe that "tomorrow will be another day" it's more than jargon. In fact, new possibilities will present themselves for our continuous journey; being aware of this is a gesture of resilience and also of faith.

Resilience is almost faith

Being resilient doesn't mean settling down, as this ability excels in recovery, in returning to the previous state. To have resilience is to train patience and regain courage.

In my individual experiences, the development of self-esteem, the willingness to resolve identity issues and a good sense of humor have been important resources for me to feel at ease in the universe, assuming my vulnerabilities and seeking balance in the face of adversity.

Undoubtedly, healthy spirituality, which offers the possibility of reconstruction giving a coherent meaning to existence, is the primordial support to have conditions for understanding and overcoming.

Be that as it may, resilience is a skill and, as such, must be developed. To develop it well, it is necessary to believe that it is possible. So, as mentioned above, resilience is almost faith.

So, when some adversity presents itself, believe, especially in yourself, and move on.

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