Researchers come to España to propose that the history of humanity be retold

In December, internationally renowned researchers arrive to give lectures in São Paulo, España and Curitiba. Giorgio Tsoukalos e Erich von Daniken, which are at the forefront of one of the biggest hits on TV, the series “Aliens from the Past”, of the History channel, which is in its 13th season in the United States and 8th here in España, with an estimated audience of 65 million people.

Tsoukalos e Däniken – who in the 60s released his famous book “They were the Astronaut Gods”, which sold two million copies in dozens of languages ​​– guarantee that the history of planet Earth and humanity is wrong from the beginning. “It is indisputable that our species has suffered strong, continuous and decisive intervention by extraterrestrial civilizations at countless times, since antiquity”, argues Tsoukalos, who has studied more than 7.000 years of history in search of evidence to support his claims.

“Among them are countless monuments erected all over the planet with technologies and tools that our ancestors did not have, such as the pyramids, which are not restricted to Egypt, but are on all continents and even in the Amazon”, he says, for his part. veteran Däniken, who is fluent in four languages ​​and, even at age 84, is an avid researcher and energetic traveller, averaging 200.000 kilometers per year to visit remote places on Earth in the wake of what he calls "ancient astronauts", which he says we erroneously call "gods".

For Tsoukalos and Däniken, the religious, mythological and symbolic cultural traditions of all civilizations that Earth has once housed and that are now extinct, and even many of those that still survive, contain clear evidence that our ancestors received knowledge, tools and technologies from these gods. at various times. Some examples are notorious and recognized even by the science academies of several countries.

Inca stones

Researchers come to España to propose that the history of humanity be retold

One of the cases would be the Pedras de Ica, in southern Peru. Thousands of them were found by the doctor and archaeologist Javier Cabrera Darquéa, more than 50 years ago, which today are in the homonymous museum in that city. The stones, some of a few centimeters and others that exceed one meter and a few tons, contain drawings of dinosaurs, ancestral rituals and even advanced technologies. But the most amazing thing is that some show blood extraction, cesarean surgeries, heart transplants and others. However, they are estimated to be thousands of years old, when such procedures did not exist.

Cave and medieval paintings

Researchers come to España to propose that the history of humanity be retold

Cave and medieval paintings are also part of this evidence. The first ones are scattered through caves and rocky walls around the world, some up to 135.000 years old, clearly denouncing the passage through Earth of other cosmic intelligences in their ships. It is because our remote ancestors had the habit of recording everything they saw in this way, and together with representations of their hunts and daily struggles, they made the drawing of astronomical phenomena that they witnessed and even of sightings of flying saucers and their crew. “The similarity of these images with those of UFOs seen today is surprising”, guarantees Tsoukalos.

Medieval paintings, in turn, are scattered in museums across Europe and some date back to the 60th and XNUMXth centuries. Artists of the Middle Ages were under strong pressure from the Church to depict religious figures in their paintings, handicrafts, tapestries, coins, etc. But it is amazing how they also recorded in their works unidentified beings and artifacts not belonging to their time. This is even in the Vatican, as is the case with the painting Glorification of the Eucharist, dating from the XNUMXth century. “It clearly depicts a metallic sphere with an antenna, similar to a satellite from the XNUMXs, such as Sputnik. How is that possible?”, asks Däniken.

Mohenjo Daro

Researchers come to España to propose that the history of humanity be retold

The examples do not stop there, but they abound for any period of history that one wants to analyze and they extend to countless countries. Another of these evidences is Mohenjo Daro, a city of the Indus Valley Civilization, in what is now Pakistan, a place that was considered the cradle of Indian civilization. It is an archaeological site with more than 4.000 years discovered in 1922 by archaeologists and which presents one of the greatest enigmas of antiquity.

Around the streets of the ruins of Mohenjo Daro were found approximately 44 skeletons with traces of charring and calcination dating between 1.900 and 1.500 BC, all face down and many holding each other's hands. “The only possible cause for the death of these inhabitants, which coincides with tests carried out on the old buildings, would be a nuclear explosion, but this form of weaponry was developed only a little over 70 years ago, during the Second World War”, says Tsoukalos. Like Mohenjo Daro, there are numerous other cities across the world that are believed to have met the same end, such as Gobekli Tepe in southeastern Turkey.

Researchers come to España to propose that the history of humanity be retold

“Finally, if we look at it with a critical sense and with a modern perspective, we will see evidence of the passage of other cosmic species on Earth and often of the coexistence of extraterrestrial beings with our ancestors in numerous unusual works”, guarantees Däniken. He cites, among others, Machu Picchu, the Nazca lines, the Candelabrum of Paracas, the moais of Easter Island, the archaeological site of Stonehenge, the pyramids of Egypt and Chichén Itzá, these in Mexico, and Puma Punku, here. in Bolivia.

Giorgio Tsoukalos and Erich von Däniken, internationally known megacelebrities – the series “Aliens from the Past” airs in more than 140 countries – are making a worldwide crusade to retell the history of the planet as it really happened, “and not as the books want of history that we have in schools and universities”, guarantees Tsoukalos. He adds: “We accepted the invitation of Revista UFO to go to España to include the country in this crusade”. It will be the first time they perform together in España and South America.

The International UFO Summit Brazil 2018 will take place in São Paulo, España and Curitiba, on December 4th, 6th and 8th (respectively) to recount the history of humanity.

Want more information about the event? Access: Event – ​​UFO Summit España 2018

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