Reread ou bind?

    Two Latin verbs. After all, we are now approaching a curious topic that is at the same time simple and easy to understand.

    In this case, instead of God and the Devil, two Latin verbs clash. Nobody disputes that religion (a word that has existed in Portuguese since the 13th century) is a term derived from the Latin religio, religionis – “cult, religious practice, ceremony, divine law, holiness”. The question is: of which verb is this noun the nominal form, relegere or religare?

    The more traditional and respectable view, to which I lean, bets on the first option. Relegere, that is, “rereading, revisiting, taking up what was left behind”, can be seen in this context as the act of rereading and incessantly interpreting the texts of religious doctrine or, who knows, as the resumption of a (spiritual) dimension of which earthly life tends to drive men away. This thesis was defended in antiquity by Cicero and was shared in the XNUMXth century by the Portuguese Latinist Francisco Rodrigues dos Santos Saraiva, author of the influential dictionary that bears his name.

    However, in late antiquity – and among many modern authors, such as the disputed Spanish etymologist Silveira Bueno –, the thesis, probably romantic, that links the word religion to the verb religare, “reconnect, tie, tighten, bind well” gained popularity. The idea that it would be up to religion to tie the ties that unite humanity to the divine sphere has its poetic force, which perhaps explains the success of this version. It should be said that in classical authors, however, the verb religare is strictly prosaic, used in the sense of tying the hair or bundling the wood.

    Reread ou bind?
    thainoipho / Canva

    Call one more time; call again more securely; tie; bind, unite, hold better.

    However, dear readers, the truest version of the religare theme is our reconnection to the Creator as a source of energy so that the cycle does not end and never runs out. Among all the definitions and possible earthly readings, none presents in its version the importance that each soul and creature must return in the safest and most deserving way possible to its Creator. And would God be the only creator of beings? And is God the maker of souls? And would God be the commander of all the energies that circulate in this orb and in so many others? And is God really in the inexhaustible source that consumes all the grains of his most complete, imperfect and unfinished creation? Would God be responsible for the ills and improvements of all that occurred in Pangea and in other abodes of creation?

    And as an answer to some of these questions, human people remain in my mind since their creation, connected to a tube; the umbilical cord through which life starts to nourish and develop and the undesirable plastic tube through which no one wants to be connected in order to disconnect from this same life or because he himself can return to it, since the bonds of the umbilical cord do not are more existent, nor would they be eternal.

    In response to this sovereignty of God, it is that yes, He is the holder of all the energy contained in all things. As described in many religious literatures, which we do not need to think about or quote here, He is the supreme intelligence, creator of all things, to which we are all connected and will be reconnected.

    Except for a few special workers, coming from special formulas of differentiated creations, we are all stuck with this incredible and supreme energy tied and tied to us. Fruit of our hope and gratitude, moment of grace and mercy in our prayers as some call it, anger and indignation in sufferings and trials, evil and good of humanity that follows like a flock obedient to all its laws. He is at the center of creation that governs and misgoverns the world, because it must be so. He is not personified in sculptures, drawings and words and no attempt to sketch his existence will be able to describe him in his little human understanding for the moment.

    Reread ou bind?
    DAPA Images / Canva

    Returning to the Source and going through the process of purification necessary for the body, the spirit and the irreversibly destruction of the soul can take a few centuries and millennia of comings and goings, returns and retakes, redirection of tasks and missions to fulfill, just for the purpose to remain trapped, tied, connected to the Creator Father, connected by the fluidic thread that is so sensitive and so vulnerable. What we can say about this for the moment is to pay attention to the term "reconnect" as a way not only as "the moment of returning to the Father's domain", but, mainly, to be connected to its orb of origin, to be active in your current orb and be prepared for action in the future orb.

    • Tri=past, present, future
    • Tri=creator, creature, creation
    • Tri = born, live, die

    If there is more need here for some explanation that is clearer than this little set of words, it means that your heart and intelligence are not yet ready to understand. And if the prophets and the scientists try all the time to prove that religare is connected with God, their work will be deceitful and in vain.

    • How is your state of mind?
    • Find out why we should discuss religion
    • Recognize the power of words in your life
    • Discover the meaning of the expression memento mori

    There is no greater God than being connected to yourself with your seventh eye open and keeping your concentration on the task that has been programmed to perform.

    Fool is the human being who has not yet understood that he lives only for himself over the millennia and for this reason is no longer born and dies alone connected and reconnected to the tube of the source of his Creator.

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