Reprogram your mind for success

    We all seek success and for each of us, this success can present itself in different ways. For some it may be “having money”, others think of “having good relationships”, maybe “having a good job”, or doing well in everyday tasks, but the most important thing is to realize that such success is not a star. shiny that falls on someone's head and guarantees good achievements.

    Success is, in fact, the consequence of a powerful mind and positive beliefs that guarantee those who have self-confidence, courage and entrepreneurship, characteristics that are fundamental to everyone who excels and creates a future of many achievements.

    If you want success, the first thing you have to do is see if your thoughts are in line with the success you want.

    Reprogram your mind for success

    Do you really believe in yourself?

    Do you believe you are capable of accomplishing remarkable things?

    Do you believe that success is for you?

    If you've thought about answering "no" or "maybe" to one of these questions, maybe it's because you're not sure your beliefs are in the service of success, and where there's doubt or uncertainty, there's disbelief, and without giving yourself due credit, you will see success farther and farther away.

    Beliefs are experiences lived by yourself, by your family or by someone you identify as a person of value and importance and, therefore, you accept and sign below. Some beliefs can also be linked to religious, philosophical or even cultural thoughts; and it is necessary to comb through these phrases and certainties to ensure that they are not taking you in the opposite direction of what you want.

    If you verbalize:  

    “Life is a challenge, a battle where I have to beat a dragon every day.”

    With this phrase in your head, you will surely be too busy with your sword, slaying dragons, and you won't have time to do something more pleasurable that brings you the feeling of joy and satisfaction with yourself.

    We know today that the mind has a similarity to computers; if you install a program, the entire system will play actions that respond to the commands of that program.

    Beliefs are mental programs that you installed at some point and everything that happens in your life today is a consequence of these programs, so if success is not happening, it is time to change the programs, that is, review the beliefs and replace them. them for more positive and enabling ones.

    Reprogramming the mind means devaluing, denying or ignoring the old information and strengthening and validating the new. A good example might be you say to yourself, “It seems funny to think of life as a challenge or a battle, this is just a movie story. In fact, life is magical, wonderful, a fun adventure that leads me to succeed one after another in everything I do.”

    So, you first delete or decrease the negative emotional intensity that the belief or phrase brought you (challenge, battle, dragon) and put in a positive and promising emotion (magic, wonderful, adventure).

    Then, start to observe all the words that generate effort, fear, impotence and replace with terms that activate the power to achieve, to win and, only then, can success stop being just a word and become a reality. in your life.

    If you want to study or research more about mental reprogramming, you can find in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) several techniques that help you to operationalize these changes in a significant way.

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