Reinventing yourself is for those who have courage

Reinventing yourself goes beyond a new haircut. It takes more than a red lipstick. More than a new painting on the bedroom wall. More than a new way of dressing. Reinventing yourself, in the essence of the word, goes beyond aesthetics. In addition to the full skirt, colored pants or black-rimmed square-framed glasses. β €

To truly change your skin it is necessary to change what comes before the skin: inside! Where no one sees and few can touch. It takes courage and abandonment. Pain and gnashing of teeth are required. Painless transformation is almost non-existent.

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Try throwing white paint on the obvious color. Take all the paintings off the wall, tear off the photos, drag the furniture, pack the old books: put what seems essential in the background – in the third plan. In the foreground do not put anything. Absolutely nothing. Because sometimes it's only in absolute emptiness that clarity comes. After that, sit down and meditate deeply. And now? What do you need to be? Now that it's all empty, white and silent. Now that one has had either the madness or the courage to make the dusty passions invisible; the habits; the vices. Now that you've deconstructed your perfect, stable world, what do you feel besides the natural insecurity that causes true (I said true) freedom?

Reinventing yourself is for those who have courage

Well, from there, my dear. Exactly from there: from the almost zero point, from the free, from the spaciousness, from the empty room and clearly listening to its echo, that you reinvent yourself.

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