Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

The word “reflection” derives from the Latin “reflecto”. From this information, the interpretation of this word already acquires a new meaning. The meaning of reflection is to stoop, as if a person were lowering their head to their chest. A reflection of life is almost that.

The act of reflecting would be like bending inwards, looking inwards. Although the description seems simple, the reflection of life is not just about putting your chin to your chest and looking at who you are in a superficial way.

Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

types of reflection

Before understanding what a critical reflection on life is, it is necessary to clarify the meanings that “reflection” can acquire.

In physics, for example, reflection can turn into a mathematical formula. It is possible to measure the reflection of light on a surface, that is, how much light can shine on a surface.

The reflection of light brings some peculiarities, which are not relevant when we talk about the reflection of life. While the reflection of light can be measured by a precise formula, the reflection of life is much more difficult to accomplish.

Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

That is why, in many cases, the reflection is done with the help of psychology professionals. A psychological reflection is the closest to a reflection on life, which will have as its main objective to foster thoughts about the interiority of a person.

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Your thoughts, your feelings, your desires, your traumas and your fears can only be fully understood through psychological reflection. Professionals in this area will bring a detailed analysis of each of these factors, which translate, in a way, who you are.

Critical reflection, on the other hand, may not need the help of a professional. You can reflect on yourself in your home, in a quiet moment, or even in an environment with many people.

Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

critical reflection

Critical reflection is an essential process for people who want to better understand who they are and what they are looking for. It is necessary to think about the issues that surround us in order to understand the origin of our thoughts and feelings, about ourselves and about other people.

An example of when critical reflection should kick in is when we think of something negative about another person. Why did we have this thought? If the person has never done anything bad to us, what reason do we have to harbor resentment? Or else, if she did something bad to us, why weren't we able to move on?

Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

These questions allow us to look at our interiority and analyze why we think something about someone. In other situations, we can use critical reflection to learn how to better deal with our problems, thinking about whether we are acting properly or if we can improve, reflecting on life.

Critical reflection can still revolve around facts and information. In many cases, we are led to believe information that we want to be true, even though it is not. It is necessary to reflect on the thoughts we share, analyzing each one before uttering them.

Methods for reflection

From the need to develop a reflection on who we are, on the world around us and on the issues we think about, it is possible to know methods for a reflection on life.

1) Take time out of your day to reflect on life

The simplest way to do critical reflection is to choose a time of day for it. It can be bath time, before bed or when you're going from one place to another. A few minutes will be enough for you to start thinking about an issue.

When alone in these situations, you can think about the day ahead or the day that has passed, analyzing how you acted in each situation, thinking about the feelings you had and how you could improve.

Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

2) Take a moment to be completely still

Remaining motionless is an essential method for anyone who wants a deep life reflection. When you are still, you are able to focus only on your thoughts, without worrying about what you should do next.

A reflection of life done without moving should prioritize silence and relaxation. To come to terms with your choices, you can think about them and why you made them. Such an attitude can better prepare you for what is to come.

Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

3) Think about the experiences you've had

A reflection of life can be based on the experiences you collect. Instead of thinking about how each one ended, you can think about how each one changed the way you think or the way you see the world.

Elaborate some questions to be answered in this process, such as: do I hold the beliefs that have always guided me? Am I a better person than I was at that moment? Is there something that has happened that I don't handle well? What can I do to improve bad feelings?

4) Analyze the relationships you live

A reflection on life can be focused on the relationships we build with the people around us. It may be that you are uncertain about a friendship, about your family, or about a romantic relationship. It is worth thinking only about these questions for a moment.

Ask yourself if the people around you want the best for you and if you want the best for them. Understand how you can help them evolve and when they did it for you. How do you judge these people? Are they good company? Should they be avoided? Think about it and decide if you need to change any relationships.

Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

5) Seek help from professionals

While you can reflect on life unaided, it is essential that at some point you begin therapy. A person should not go to therapy because they have problems, but because they have issues that need to be explored and investigated.

When seeking a second opinion about our thoughts and feelings, we can come across a new perspective, which will bring a new look at who we are and what we hope for the future. This process will be essential if you want a deep and true analysis, made by those who studied for it.

Reflection: an act of thinking and questioning about aspects of life

The Thinker

An image very associated with the act of reflecting is the statue named “The Thinker”, by Auguste Rodin. The scene portrayed is of a man seated, with his head resting on his fist. The expression of concentration that stands out on the character's face reveals that he is thinking.

Although a reflection on life can be done in the same position as the thinker, there is no obligation to do so. According to the analysis of the work, Rodin aimed to portray the character Dante, at the door of hell, thinking about the poem he would write.

Seems like a slightly different reflection of life, doesn't it? Thinking about a poem is not necessarily a reflection on life, unless you aim to write a poem talking about issues that concern you.

In any case, the work maintains a historical and artistic value that allows the act of reflection to be always considered and taken seriously as a way of stimulating discoveries about our interiority and about the best ways to act.

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