
    “Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the official, and you be put in prison.” (Matthew 5:25).

    Jesus showed the greatness of forgiveness as a feeling that ennobles the human being. This practice involves courage that overcomes the pride embedded in our hearts. In this, too, lies the indulgence when we understand that we are all imperfect and lacking in virtues. When we do this, we are still renouncing vanity and arrogance, which are inferior feelings that we still harbor.

    As Spirits created simple and ignorant, of origin, we do not carry in our heart the iniquities that we have today. They came from the detours of past existences. We invariably have the Divine spark in our hearts, however we were entangled with inferior feelings, figuring pride and selfishness as triggers for so many others.

    Thus, we move away from the Creator's Laws so well exemplified by Master Jesus, becoming hostages to the soul ailments that imprison us in everyday mistakes. We understand, therefore, that when we reconcile with our opponents, we will also be approaching the Father, since this attitude leads us to respect his Laws, in which love and charity are the pillars for us to be with Him.

    In the book “Viver e Renascer”, page 12, psychography by Francisco Cândido Xavier, by the Spirit Emmanuel, we have: “If you have been offended, do not keep the light of forgiveness in the dark folds of sickly sensitive”. In this context, let us remember what is contained in question 886, from the “Spirits' Book”: “What is the true meaning of the word charity, as Jesus understands it?”. “Benevolence towards all, indulgence towards the imperfections of others, forgiveness of offenses”.

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    In “Great Messages”, page 17, psychograph by Pietro Ubaldi, it says: “(…) Raise yourselves in love, as you must in all things, if you want to find deep joys (…)”. Let's keep in mind that disincarnation does not free us from enemies. They keep seeking to harm us. When, even in earthly experiences, we achieve reconciliation, we will be freeing ourselves from a burden that will be painful to us in erraticity. This purpose must be imbued with humility and sincerity, otherwise malevolent feelings will persist that will continue to torment us.

    We have in “Florações Evangélicas”, page 84, psychography by Divaldo Pereira Franco, by the Spirit Joanna de Ângelis: “The forgiven person is someone in debt; what has forgiven is spirit in gain. If you retaliate against evil, you are equal to the offender; if you forgive, you are in a better condition; but if you forgive and love the one who mistreated you, you advance in an enviable march along the path of good”.

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    It follows from all this that forgiveness is an attitude of love, leaving no residue in the mire of resentment. This purification of the soul makes us great before the Father, in whose harmony he envelops us in peace. (Reconciling is to envision a new horizon of life, in which the light of forgiveness illuminates the darkness of pride).

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