Reborn and Living Life

Reborn and Living Life

Rebirth has, among its main functions, the objective of transforming lives, generating abundance and a life in fluidity. Life, from its early existence, is dominated by the vital flow. This comes from maternal and paternal bonds, in addition to all the characteristics that already exist in each being.

At each stage, we develop. In remarkable situations, we are called to witness because of the need we have to bring alive in our hearts and in our essence some thoughts and feelings that provide a better reality at each new moment of life. In this stage, we are at our best development and, when we are connected with the vital flow of our lives, we enhance the process of learning and evolutionary improvements.

Everything that happens is consistent with our reality. We are witnessing what we need for our current moment. The understanding is much greater when we assume that there is a vital flow that generates life in our existences and we correspond in congruence through our attitudes and actions that are benevolent in life. Development depends on awareness and actions. We are beings full of attitudes that need to be well directed and developed for inner well-being, in harmony with all other beings.

reborn for life is be in constant development, allowing yourself to feel and express in harmony everything that happens in our lives. Rebirth is fundamental to purify all the meanings we attribute to each new experience and to be able to experience them with greater receptivity, learning and dimensioning a new meaning, generating understanding and development. It is to be born again generating new feelings and expressions of life. Actions and attitudes begin to be more appropriate for the whole, generating the integrality of common development.

reborn indicates a new way of experiencing life, guides what is really important to remain and what we need to learn to remove from our existences. It is healthy to keep within only what makes us greater; what is smaller by its nature must be externalized in the best way, generating more health and inner life.

Renaissance promotes a new vision of life, making it easier to understand and experience.

The beauty of life is manifested when we are able to re-signify experiences and make them our drivers of a beautiful existence.

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May the expression of life make your life sweet and bright.

To be reborn is to create a new life, sowing the seeds of peace, happiness and love every day, making everything around you bright and alive, in addition to coloring a new life.

Love & Light!

Fraternal hug!

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