Quantum Ancestry

We need to learn to honor our ancestors for the simple fact that if it weren't for them we wouldn't be here. But for our evolution, we have to honor only your memories and not your beliefs and convictions.

The big step to truly embrace unconditional love is to understand that we all have in our consciousness an unknown universe of truths, desires and convictions, and that all of this is what coordinates each one's life.

Quantum Ancestry

Sometimes I think that they deny so much the science of consciousness precisely to prevent us from reaching our wholeness and freeing ourselves from highly destructive patterns that lead us to sadness, guilt and suffering. I also believe that a disease that persecutes a family, as in the case of cancer being genetic, is nothing more than the result of a very deep belief that leads to a certain energy accumulation and blockage in an area of ​​the body and with that it generates a disease, such as cancer.

not only in ThetaHealing, but the very epigenetics states that through our DNA, we transmit and receive subconscious beliefs. This is the famous genetic level, well known to thetahealers and which is now beginning to spread across the world through this new quantum consciousness that many are discovering.

Quantum Ancestry

Another thing we also need to be aware of is the obligations that our inner child has assumed in relation to our parents' negative beliefs.

We do know that our parents, and ourselves as parents, try to do the best for our children, but there is always the subconscious factor bringing about behaviors that are reflections of the deepest fears, shocks and traumas.

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That's where two very important things come in and that have been transforming thousands of lives around the world. The first is self-knowledge., which allows us to explore this subconscious and understand how this subconscious belief system and convictions operate in our life, and this releases many dense feelings and emotions, allowing the second thing act with freedom and compassion, which is unconditional love.

Quantum Ancestry

It is beautiful to love everything and everyone, but before that it is necessary to understand what really operates in our reality, so that we can really feel this unconditional love in our hearts. Without it, love can end up hurting ourselves, because deep down it can be a feeling of lack, abandonment or rejection. This keeps our inner child in charge of our reality, controlling our free will and bringing not always desired things. And this is also where our ego takes over, as I believe it is directly linked to our inner child. Both intimately connected and directing our lives.

Therefore, start analyzing not only your behaviors, but also the things that happen to you, because everything starts with you, everything is with you and nothing has ever been with anyone else. And we accept that, and as the universe is a reflection of our consciousness, everything that comes from us is accepted by it, without judgment and without punishment. This is our reality.

Quantum Ancestry

Release yourself with gratitude and allow yourself to love and feel loved. This is the new energy, the new age, the age of quantum consciousness, of pure compassion for the entire universe! Your spirit has always known this, for it is also love!


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