Put an end to everything that makes you anxious

How many times has anxiety destroyed you inside? The eve of an exam? Rehashing a past discussion thinking "why didn't I say that?". Not knowing if someone found you inconvenient. Not knowing if it's being enough for a given situation. Not knowing if it was funny enough on that date last Friday. How many times have you felt anxious just not knowing? Looking at the title, it seems like a magic formula comes next, but it's not quite like that. No magic happens without a magician, and your thoughts will have no end if you don't put an end to them. So the next time you find yourself having to face your anxiety, remember: accept your true nature!

Close your eyes and breathe. Feel the physical reflexes of your anxiety, like tension in your shoulders or a headache, for example. Now, reflect on the thoughts that don't want to get out of your head and name them: worry, fear, anger, helplessness...

When you observe your thoughts, you are able to choose what you want to believe. You are able to see that sometimes a situation is not so bad, but your mind is producing certain feelings in order to protect you. Reading it this way, it may seem that you have a split personality, however all this happens due to the relationship that exists between your conscious and unconscious.

Put an end to everything that makes you anxious

Be kind

It's not all roses. Sometimes a situation is really dire and all we can do is accept it. However, you have two ways to accept a situation: listening to the bad angel saying “this is all your fault, you don’t know how to do anything right”, or the good angel – which is actually the fair one – “you are really sad, and it's okay to feel that way", "even if others judge you, you shouldn't judge yourself", "what others say is their problem, not yours". The choice is yours, as is the choice to opt for your peace of mind.

cool your head

If possible, do something you like, go for a walk, read a chapter of your book, watch an episode of that series you love so much. Give yourself the right to relax.

Put an end to everything that makes you anxious

Know your true nature

Tell yourself, “It's over, and now I'm at peace. That is my true nature.” It may sound silly, but we travel through time constantly. We feel anxious imagining the future, mulling over the past, but our greatest blessing is always being able to go back — and live — in the present.. Funny, since it's the only time we actually have any control.

In the end, this is not a magic formula. Life is unmanageable, and the fact that we can't have control over everything makes us impatient and insecure, because that means that eventually what we want may not turn out the way we expect, and that's obviously not pleasant. Sometimes people are rude, sometimes we act badly without realizing it, sometimes we have to face a test, a presentation, ourselves.

The truth is, we can't put an end to the thoughts that make you anxious. Unless you bring about a revolution in yourself, you cannot prevent these thoughts from being created.

After all, life is uncontrollable and humans like control. However, from the moment you have more control over yourself, and from that special but so forgotten time called the present, your life will surely be much calmer.

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