Purple November: Rights of the Premature

Purple November: Rights of the Premature

Not Spain, close to 12% of babies are born premature and, therefore, they demand exclusive medical attention, which gives them the same sensation of warmth and silence that they enjoyed in their mothers' wombs. For this reason, according to the Prematuro.com website, those born under these conditions have certain rights established by the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Premature Baby. They are:

Article I

All premature babies are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience. They have life before birth, as well as memory, learning, emotion, and the ability to respond and interact with the world around them.

Article II

Every premature child has the right to be recognized everywhere as a person before the law.

Article III

No premature child will be arbitrarily exiled from their family context, abruptly or for a long time. The preservation of this bond, even when silent and discreet, is a fundamental part of his life.

Article IV

Every premature child has the right to the treatment established by science, without distinction of any kind, whether of race, color, sex or any other nature, such as national or social origin, wealth, birth or any other condition. Thus, all premature babies have the right to be cared for by a multidisciplinary team capable of understanding them, interacting with them and making harmonious decisions for their benefit and for their development.

Article V

All premature babies have the right to freedom of opinion and expression, so they must have their signs of approach and distance identified, understood, valued and respected by the team of caregivers. No procedure will be considered ethical when it does not take into account, for its execution, the individual needs of contact or collection of the premature baby.

Article VI

No premature child shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Your pain should always be considered, prevented and treated through the processes provided by current science. No new painful procedure can be started until the baby reorganizes and recovers from the previous intervention. Denying him this right is a crime of torture against human life.

Article VII

All premature babies have the right to rest and, therefore, their periods of superficial and deep sleep must be respected, which will henceforth be considered essential for their adequate psychic development and biological regulation. Interrupting a premature baby's sleep randomly and irresponsibly, without justifiable reason, is indicative of maltreatment.

Article VIII

All premature babies have the inalienable right to silence that allows them to feel as close as possible to the intrauterine sound environment, respecting their thresholds and their sensitivity. Any sound source that violates this right will be considered criminal, heinous and disgusting.

Article IX

No premature infant should, for any reason, be subjected to a stressful procedure applied carelessly and unjustifiably by the health team, under penalty of being considered negligent, inhumane and irresponsible.

Article X

Every premature child has the right to perceive the alternation between light and shadow, which will represent day and night for him. No intense light will remain on all the time and no shadow will be prevented from existing under the allegation of continuous monitoring without those responsible for these behaviors no longer being considered careless, aggressive and malicious.

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Article XI

Every premature baby is entitled, once the basic conditions of balance and vitality have been reached, to maternal love, maternal warmth and breast milk, which are offered by the Kangaroo Mother Care. It will be up to the health team to provide the minimum structural conditions necessary for this essential and transformative bond of the premature environment. No professional or command position, in any sphere, has the prerogative to prevent or deny the possibility of this bond that is a symbol of redeemed technocratic science.

Article XII

As soon as their clinical conditions allow it, all premature babies have the right to be fed their own mother's milk or, failing that, another woman's milk. You should have your suction correctly worked from the beginning of life and it will be up to the health team to guarantee you this right, keeping pacifiers, pacifiers or any other element that negatively interferes with your healthy suction from your surroundings, as well as ensuring that you your follow-up by trained professionals to facilitate this process. No financial cost will be considered too great when applied for this purpose. No milk formula will be casually prescribed and no care will be carelessly applied without it implying inattention and helplessness. Breast milk will henceforth be considered and treated as a fundamental part of your life.

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