Purple November: Premature Birth

We need to talk about premature birth! But keep calm, because we just need to stay informed, so that, in case this happens, the baby's health is preserved.

The point is that prematurity does not always show signs that it will happen, nor are all the causes that lead to premature birth known. That's why it's important to address the issue, to raise awareness of future parents.

According to the report of the study called “Born Too Soon”, carried out by the American NGO March of Dimes, the rate of early births in Spain is 12,4%, according to data from the Information System on Live Births and the Ministry of Health. . This puts us in 10th place in the prematurity ranking. So, on to the information:

Who is at risk of having a premature birth?

According to Prematurity.com, the women most at risk are those who have already had a premature birth, those who are pregnant with twins or multiples, or those who have a history of uterine or cervical problems.

There are still other factors that can lead to premature birth, such as lack of prenatal care, smoking, drinking, drug use, stress, urinary tract infections, vaginal bleeding, diabetes, obesity or low weight, high blood pressure or preeclampsia and clotting disorders.

In addition, it is important to pay attention to very close pregnancies (less than 6 to 9 months between one pregnancy and another), pregnancy by in vitro fertilization or also if the mother's age is less than 17 years old or above 35.

Purple November: Premature Birth
Omar Lopez / Unsplash

The website Prematuridade.com also provides a list of the main causes of premature birth. Among them we have:

  • ruptured pouch/premature rupture of membrane (RUPREME or ROPREMA)
  • chronic hypertension
  • pre eclampsia
  • hellp syndrome
  • cervical insufficiency
  • placental abruption
  • placenta previa
  • uterine malformations
  • uterine infections
  • multiple pregnancy
  • in vitro fertilization
  • fetal malformations

What are the signs and symptoms of preterm labor?

According to the website, symptoms such as contractions every 10 minutes or more, changes in vaginal discharge, pelvic pressure, lower back pain, menstrual or abdominal cramping can indicate preterm labor.

Therefore, it is very important to always be in touch with your doctor!

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Ways to prevent premature birth:

  • Talking to the gynecologist even before getting pregnant can help in a healthier and risk-free pregnancy.
  • Start prenatal care as soon as possible, as soon as you discover the pregnancy.
  • Tell the doctor the smallest details of your health history.
  • Always pay attention to your blood pressure;
  • Try to maintain a balanced diet and try to maintain yourself at an ideal weight, according to medical recommendations;
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages, because during pregnancy, even in small doses, alcohol can have very harmful effects on the child;
  • Do not smoke! Tobacco increases the chances of premature birth, in addition to increasing the risk of the baby being born with low birth weight;
  • Don't self-medicate;
  • Exercise as instructed by your doctor
  • Keep the vaccine calendar up to date;
  • Consume folic acid and vitamin B12, as both are important for your baby's development, but take these nutrients as recommended by your doctor;
  • Always be alert for vaginal bleeding, fluids and secretions.
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