Public daycare has waterfall bath

    Public daycare has waterfall bath

    The country's schools and day care centers have a series of activities to include children and provide them with activities that transform their lives. However, it is necessary to highlight the work that the Padre Sabino Gentille Municipal Child Education Daycare, in the city of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte is doing.

    In addition to traditional games, there are also waterfall baths. Isn't it really all good? Even the parents were invited to participate in the waterfall bath. What an engaging activity, don't you think?

    Contact with nature since childhood

    The main objective of including children in the day care center through a waterfall bath is for them to have this contact with nature from an early age. This is fundamental for us to be able to create human beings who are concerned with the nature that surrounds them.

    Benefits of children with nature contact

    Children who have contact with nature from an early age can become more sensitive human beings and concerned about the planet. They end up having a very different vision from those who do not have this contact.

    And it is not impossible for parents and schools to do this process. It doesn't have to be exactly a waterfall bath, but, for example, excursions to sites, visits to the local botanical garden, learning to make a vegetable garden and learning to plant trees, as well as walks through the parks in the region. And it is worth remembering that none of this will be expensive, it will only expand the child's contact with nature.

    Child and nature: a relationship that should be encouraged

    The contact of children from an early age with nature should be encouraged by parents and schools when possible. Teaching to respect, cultivate and preserve the environment can transform that child into a better human being.

    A child's early discoveries by nature are amazing. The way they hold the leaves in their hands, how they play with the water and how they are enchanted by animals. These are actions that should be cultivated!

    And more than that, the child learns to respect and love. When there is contact, she understands why caring is so important. So, parents, don't just wait for public agencies to take the initiative. Start transmitting the value of nature to your child yourself.

    And we can't help but congratulate this daycare on the initiative. That more spaces like this can multiply and transform children into better human beings.

    See below the video at the moment of relaxation in a waterfall bath.

    Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team
    Image: Reproduction/Disclosure

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