Productivity: How to deal with criticism and insults?

    Productivity: How to deal with criticism and insults?

    People often say: โ€œsuch a person offended meโ€, when in fact, you may have been offended by such a person. Was what she said really an offense?

    This different way of thinking and acting can change many things in your perception.

    Understand more about the concept of projection explained by Ricardo Reis in the 16th video of the Productivity series.

    See the other videos in the series Productivity:

    | Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Video 5 | Video 6 | Video 7 | Video 8 | Video 9 | Video 10 | Video 11 | Video 12 | Video 13 | Video 14 | Video 15 | Video 17 | Video 18 | Video 19 | Video 20 | Video 21 | Video 22 | Video 23 | Video 25 | Video 26 | Video 27 | Video 28 |

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