Problems with your child?

Problems with your child?
ADD, ADHD, Rebellion, Inattention or Hyperactivity?
This might help someone: Have you ever heard of Children/Youth of this “new age”?
Indigos, Crystals… Find out at the bottom of the page how to get help and guidance.

Hello Beloved!

Today I come to share especially with you that you are having problems with your son or daughter. You can also identify here some characteristics in common with your grandchildren, your students or patients (in the case of grandparents, teachers and therapists). Ever heard of indigo children and youth, crystals and rainbows? Do you notice something different in your child such as lack of attention, confrontations and excessive rebelliousness? Have you ever been called to school or received notes from family members saying that your child needs help? Well, learn more about these children and young people today.



Today's young children

There has been a notable evolution in recent times, as they have been demonstrating knowledge and skills far beyond their age, causing “astonishment” in parents, teachers and society in general. Evolution has been taking place in a continuous and gradual process, mainly since the 90s. Some specialists claim that there was a “quantum leap” that caused this transformation, quite different from the sequential and natural development.

Despite this "leap" being more evident from the 90's onwards, some more evolved children and considered "special" at the time were born in the 70's and 80's. there is a better future. At the time they were born, despite receiving labels, being discriminated against, there were no such fashion disorders and drugs that promised to solve the “problem”. So many of these “children of today” are already in their 30s and 40s, some managed to face prejudices, problems and stand out, others maybe still suffer today, already adults.

Today's children and young people, aged between two and 18, are being suffocated and many of them are medicated with strong drugs, which causes deep regret in me and in other specialists on the subject, such as scholars of Parapsychology, Psychology, Etymology, Quantum, Astrology, among other sciences that seek answers to the reasons for this evolution and an adequate way of dealing with these special children and young people, commonly called rebels and labeled as "special generation", "new age", "gifted", "high abilities”, “special”, “indigo”, “crystal”, “rainbow”, and the worst, misdiagnosed with fashion disorders.

Most of them have an intelligence above what is considered normal, even so, and even because of that, they are seen as "problem children", when, if they lived with people prepared to deal with them, they would be noticed and classified as children with disabilities. extraordinary qualities.

Well, would the problem be in “today's children and young people” or in society and educators (parents, coordinators and teachers) that are not prepared to deal with them? And yet, considering modernity and all the negative content that we are exposed to even inside our homes through news, soap operas and even "innocent" children's drawings, apart from the most diverse types of families with fathers and mothers who have come from other relationships. and these children are already born with “half-siblings” on the part of the father and mother, some are adopted by couples formed by two men or two women, in short, if we have changed so much throughout history, why would it be difficult to see that these children have you already felt all this change since the womb or maybe even before that? Are they not responding to all this “modernity” in order to survive? For the elders a little, think, how would the "children of old" react in this world of now?

Well, they present a set of characteristics that escape the common patterns, and they present a type of behavior not yet scientifically classified. These characteristics can be verified by immediate, direct observation of those who have information about them. Thus, directors, coordinators, teachers, doctors, psychologists and psychopedagogues need to develop their capacity for immediate observation, to deal not only with today's children and young people but also with their parents.

"Ideally, there would be schools for parents too, because if only they recognized the potential of their children, today's children and young people would be supported by those they love instead of exposing so many particular questions to researchers, as has been happening over the years. that I study the subject".

Undoubtedly a fascinating phenomenon, but relatively new in the field of research, so there is still no “space” to deal with this subject with the attention it deserves. We can also say that there is no interest in solving the situation due to many factors, one of which is the absurd billing of the pharmaceutical industries with the most varied drugs that promise to “solve” fashion disorders.

Thus, I describe here some of the dozens of common characteristics of this new generation, in order, who knows, to collaborate with some of today's children and young people, through the information in this text to its readers.

The characteristics present in most of those surveyed and labeled as “young/problem child”they are intuitive (a form of intelligence); deviate from the standards of what is considered normal; demonstrate great sensitivity; they get bored easily; they question everything, they have excess energy; demonstrate difficulty concentrating; they do not accept authoritarianism and hypocrisy; they are silent when they cannot express their ideas; do not accept repetitive or passive teaching methods; they are attentive only to tasks they are interested in; they are unique, restless, each in its own way; very strong personality, even the rarest cases (when they are quiet); they are aware of their place in the family and in the world; like challenges; they want explanations of why they have to do certain things; they are extremely creative; many with developed telepathic abilities; believe in themselves; they are spontaneous; they like to do things their own way; they like to be useful; like to be heard like adults; they are traumatized by their mistakes and may develop learning blocks; show rebellion; are commonly (and erroneously) diagnosed as hyperactive or as having attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

This generation's ability to question their annoyances is impressive. They present knowledge far beyond their age, often equivalent to that of masters, sages and scientists who took many years to acquire such knowledge or reach certain and complex conclusions. For this new generation, this doesn't seem to be that complex. They face everything in a natural way, “as if” they always knew everything. Will it be?

Problems with your child?

Despite many theories about it, it is impossible to determine whether this knowledge is innate or intuited. In any case, were they intuiting from where or from whom? Or if they were born with this knowledge and behavior, would they have “inherited” from Universal sources or would they simply be responding to the height of all this modernity? This is what the new sciences strive to discover. The main objective is to demystify what is hidden and, mainly, to make what is considered paranormal or abnormal today, to be the normal of tomorrow, teaching parents and educators how to deal with this situation, making your child a "genius" at the same time. instead of labeling him as “crazy”, as the great sages of our history were labeled.

This generation feels suffocated and misunderstood and the result is children and young people growing up frustrated and distressed. The gradual rebelliousness they present is understandable to those who become aware of the reasons for it. And therein lies the big problem, few are aware of how they feel, since they are not even heard or credited. On the contrary, they are constantly being analyzed and labeled for lack of information or specific training for educators (parents and teachers), who most of the time have no idea of ​​the damage they may be causing. In the intention of properly disciplining, many educators end up punishing them and pruning their ideas, without being aware of the traumas, the blocks and the bright future they are pruning.

A common scenario is when parents receive a complaint from the school and end up taking them to “conventional” psychiatrists and psychologists, and thus they are being diagnosed with the most varied disorders of modernity, condemned to spend years of childhood and adolescence taking the famous “obedience drugs” that make the child “docile”, much like the lobotomy practiced in the past. All to fit within the standards expected by society, within the “system”.

In the beginning, when they are still small, everything they do is beautiful and the parents love to show off the skills of their offspring. But when they grow up, they stop being the smart cuddly ones and become the rebels. Parents receive complaints from schools, schools refer psychologists, psychiatrists and neurologists to these “different children”, and that's when a long journey begins for the family.

Both families that have medical insurance and families that depend on public care face immense waiting lines, sometimes taking months to get an appointment. When they are finally attended to, parents almost always take the same information to professionals: that their child is rebellious, disturbing the class, has no concentration, and this and that... Due to the huge queue at reception, these parents are seen in five minutes. The setting is an anxious mother, the professional in a hurry, and a bored and distressed child or youth with more labels than she knows she will receive. The professional, observing the child/young person's restlessness and impatience, diagnoses them with fashion disorders, the most common being ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder or ADHD - Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity, and that's when the child receives a recipe from one of the famous â€śDrugs of Obedience”.

Well, medicated children, a silent house, satisfied teachers and parents.

satisfied?  What is society doing with its children? They are special children who came into the world to really scream. They are the future, they will be the future rulers, the future scientists, the future of the Planet. And what is being done with them?

Shutting them up…

A professional (psychologist, therapist) is hired by a school to, most of the time, attend once or twice a week and simply accompany from five hundred to a thousand children in four hours. Is that enough for him to analyze each child and refer him to a psychologist or psychiatrist? Is this enough for parents to take their child to the doctor and get a prescription for this drug?

Problems with your child?These professionals are there to observe children whose teachers indicate different behavior. For the little time they have, it would really be impossible to work specifically with each of them, so they end up referring them to doctors and therapists who, unfortunately, many have not yet been updated on this new reality. I have seen cases where, with just a few guidance to parents, they have already improved behavior by 50% in just two weeks. It is also necessary to guide teachers, who can collaborate a lot, but we have done this individually, case by case, drop by drop, because to implement a project or campaign aimed at guiding educators in general within the school itself, it is necessary to be willing to help , willingness to learn to teach, humility to learn to learn, awareness that this is something new that has not yet been taught in Universities. It is necessary to break paradigms to learn to teach this generation and also to learn from it, which has given many tips on how to do this.

There are few professionals specialized in this area to attend to the number of children, young people and families who suffer from it, so it is easier for everyone to do the conventional thing: medicating the child and submitting them to years of therapies... problem” could be solved with an evaluation of the framework, an orientation to parents and a pleasant and playful process with the child, quickly, effectively and often in groups with other children, who work these issues through art in its most varied forms. forms: drawings, clays, games and theaters; where they playfully act out and spontaneously, excellent children's systemic constellations take place. Finally, there are alternatives for the child to socialize without having to take the “drug of obedience” (ritalin and its cousins), which will inevitably lead them to other drugs in adolescence and adulthood.

Drugging them further to satisfy society's demanding standards. Wouldn't it be more moral to assume this new reality and face the obvious change that these children/young people have been suffering, taking advantage of their abilities to direct them for the good instead of drugging them with the support of the government, the school, the teachers and the own parents? This matter is urgent! Time is too expensive to waste. Society is silencing today's children and young people and thus pre-determining their future and consequently that of the Planet. They will be the ones who will govern the country, they will be the ones who will fight for the rights of other children, adolescents and the elderly. They will be the future scientists who will discover the cure for many diseases and the future facilitators for solving the educational problems that persist and will still arise.

“They” are here and showing what they came for, but they feel misunderstood, ignored. Undoubtedly, they are young people and children who are giving more “work” than other generations, but with more developed skills and precocious logical reasoning. Ignorance of these facts on the part of educators and society in general only makes the cycle continue: they are increasingly rebellious and anguished and society in general is hanging itself from its own ropes.

They don't want their ideas and ideals to continue to be stifled. They expect their educators (parents, teachers, coordinators and principals) to assume the role of “facilitators” rather than unattainable teachers. It is not the position, the white hair or the “titles” that confer the right of respect, but the admiration, at least that is how it works with today's children and young people, who are not caring about the “standards of normality” imposed by society. After all, many of them grow up without the presence of a father or a mother, they are educated by full-time schools, by nannies or by television itself, where they watch what they want and their parents don't even know the content. Why do they have to swallow all this and adults can't understand that maybe they are in a process of reaction, who knows even an "armor", in a systemic attempt to transform the human being a little more human, as we were in the past ?

They just want to be seen, they want them to understand what they did or why they made a certain “mistake” (according to the student manual), a manual that they didn't even read.

Today's children and young people are screaming for help, they are extraordinary, they are "gifts" who came to take care of the future and need to be heard, credited and helped to be able to help and who knows. be human a little more human.

I close by asking you to reflect on a phrase from the movie Nosso Lar that I really like:

“Doctors and engineers hence are learning new technologies. Soon they will be on Earth to apply them.” (Chico Xavier) 


Nowadays, there are already trained professionals to evaluate your child with a systemic, comprehensive and welcoming look that can bring extremely fast results for him/her and his/her entire family system. We also work with groups of children and young people in a playful way, carrying out the assessment together with specialized professionals while they play. At the same time, parents receive the necessary guidance, a main part of this process. This is the project “The Children of Today”, which for years has been bringing excellent and fast results! If you live near São Paulo, we provide individual and group services in Sorocaba and Itu. If you live very far away, we carry out remote assessments (emails, telephones and Skype) with enlightening opinions and guidance for parents. Depending on the case, after the evaluation, we will indicate trained professionals in your region for a closer follow-up. However, always look for professionals who work in the systemic line and with BRIEF therapies, after all, you must be urgent to see the improvement of the child and your entire family. Months and months of conventional therapies won't help that much, right? If your child, student, patient presents some of the characteristics described in this text, get to know our Assistance Program “The Children and Youth of Today”, by clicking on this link: http://www.filosofiasistemica. with/group-of-children-and-youth


ATTENTION PROFESSIONALS AND INTERESTED IN THE THEME: We have specific training and information courses, whether you are a professional in the area, someone interested or wanting to train or learn. We work with personal and distance training, and we really need people who graduate, or specialize in Brief Systemic Therapies, because people need help quickly. Join our team! Click on this link and learn about our distance course:

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